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Writer's picturePhilip James

World's Highest Electricity Prices Paid by British Industry

Straight out of the Marxist playbook

British industry pays the highest electricity prices in the entire world it has emerged. The cost of power for industrial businesses has jumped 124% in the last five years, according to the Government’s own figures, putting UK businesses at the very top of the global league tables. The shocking findings show that British businesses are now paying 50% higher prices than even Germany and France, and a staggering four times as much as U.S. industries.

British industry crippled by Green Agenda.

The astronomical prices are crippling British manufacturing which makes it firstly uncompetitive with the likes of China and also raises prices at home. The massive hike in prices is due to Net Zero policies which artificially inflate the cost of energy under the guise of 'saving the planet'.

Frank Aaskov, the Director of Energy at lobby group U.K. Steel, said: “High industrial electricity prices have for too long damaged the competitiveness of U.K. steelmaking, and many in the wider manufacturing sector will be feeling the same pressure our steel companies do.“The Government should tackle steep electricity costs and make the U.K. a fruitful place to invest, while enabling growth and improving competitiveness.”The electricity price paid by U.K. industrial users per kilowatt hour rose to 25.85p in 2023, the data show.

That compares to 10.43p as recently as five years earlier and 8.89p a decade ago.It also far outstripped European rivals and allies such as the U.S. and Canada. The equivalent price was 17.84p in France, 17.71p in Germany and 6.48p in the U.S.Across all the 31 member countries of the International Energy Agency, which collates the data, the median price was 17.70p per kilowatt hour, with Britain’s price higher than any other country.

Net Zero

Ed Miliband, the Energy Secretary, who believes the world is in peril from global warming, is about to make energy prices even higher, throttling UK industry whilst not moving the needle on the temperature dial one iota. Miliband also wants to make Britain reliant on wind and solar, making the market even more volatile with the inevitable consequence of pushing up prices even further.

Straight out of the Marxist playbook

Last month, whilst nobody was watching, the Energy Secretary took back the entire energy network into 'public' hands. The compulsory purchase robbed thousands of shareholders as the government paid around 1/3 the price the business was actually worth. Though not reported at the time, the seizure of the network gives the Labour party a huge amount of power. Power to turn off your energy supply at the flick of a switch. This is straight out of the Marxist playbook, and signals a dangerous time to come as we approach 2030.


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