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What Britain’s 'Thought Police' Visiting Journalists Over Old Tweets Could Mean For You

Writer's picture: Philip JamesPhilip James

Early on Remembrance Sunday, the 10th of November, Telegraph Journalist Allison Pearson was visited by Essex Police for a Tweet she made in 2023.

In a deeply disturbing development that should send shivers down the spine of every freedom-loving Briton, the award-winning journalist found herself targeted by Starmer's 'Thought Police', who alleged she was guilty of “stirring up racial hatred” because of a year-old social media post. In what is being described as an assault on free speech, two police officers arrived unannounced at Pearson’s home early on Remembrance Sunday to inform her of the investigation. Yet, in a move eerily reminiscent of the East German Stasi, they refused to disclose which specific post or comment triggered the complaint or even who made the accusation.

The 'crime' of 'stirring up racial hatred' is now the default excuse for authorities to stop anyone from discussing Immigration. It's the perfect excuse, as most immigrants are from Africa, Asia, or the Middle East, anyone speaking out against mass immigration can automatically be labelled racist.

The police visit over a tweet was clearly an attempt to warn off Journalists from printing anything that the government didn't like. Starmer is sending a chilling message to anyone daring to challenge the politically correct orthodoxy dominating the country’s institutions.

A Coordinated Attack on Free Speech from 10 Downing Street.

From fiction to Reality: Britain’s Thought Police in Action

Orwell warned us in 1984 about a society where speaking one’s mind could result in punishment, where government control extended into every corner of life, including people’s thoughts, whilst another dystopian author, Franz Kafka, could be describing the first scene in his novel: The Trial. The very first sentence reads:

"Somebody must have made a false accusation against Joseph K., for he was arrested one morning without having done anything wrong."

Now, it seems we’re all living it that dystopian future Kafka and Orwell so accurately described. Police forces across Britain, instructed by faceless bureaucrats in Whitehall are now prioritising policing opinions over real crime. Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith hit the nail on the head when he called this incident “Big Brother-ish” and “very Orwellian.”

Totalitarian regimes have always feared the power of free speech. The Nazis burned books to silence ideas they deemed threatening, while Stalin’s Russia and Communist China ruthlessly suppressed dissent, often imprisoning or executing those brave enough to speak out. And now, in Britain, an individual with an opinion outside the current orthodoxy faces similar tactics – doorstepped by police, denied any specifics about her “crime,” and subjected to an investigation based solely on her words. And the worse thing about all this is that Alison, like so many is not told exactly what her 'crime' was.

Will you be next?

If this can happen to Allison Pearson, an established and respected journalist with a public platform, what’s to stop it from happening to you? The slow, creeping erosion of free speech doesn’t begin with gulags and book burnings; it starts with subtler forms of intimidation – an unscheduled police visit here, a vague accusation there. This isn’t merely about Pearson; it’s a harbinger of a Britain where anyone who dares to question the government’s sanctioned views might find themselves in the crosshairs of the 'thought police.'

Imagine expressing a view online, perhaps a sentiment about national pride or concerns about the country’s future, only to find the police at your doorstep weeks, months, or even years later. We have already seen dozens of people thrown in prison for doing exactly that. Memes, comments, even jokes, have resulted in British citizens being arrested.

The government's message is clear; you cannot say anything about immigration, small boats, race, religion (Islam), terrorism, Hamas, Palestine, or black people in general, if you don't want to run the risk of arrest and imprisonment.

Politicising the police.

Policing thought is never acceptable. Politicising the police is unforgivable, and whilst massive amounts of public money has been rerouted into policing social media, real crime is through the roof. Burglaries, muggings, violent crimes, shop lifting are at an all time high, but for most of these crimes, the police won't even attend, let alone investigate. The most frustrating aspect? While law-abiding citizens are hounded over vague, subjective charges, our streets suffer from rising crime rates. Stores across Britain report rampant shoplifting, violent crime is on the rise, and communities across the country feel less safe. Yet instead of tackling these real issues, the police have decided to focus on the “thought crimes” of individuals like Pearson.

Former Prime Minister Liz Truss and others have called for an immediate end to this “appalling bullying” of Pearson, warning that silencing dissenting voices only emboldens totalitarian tendencies. And she’s right. Britain must resist the creeping threat of government overreach and defend free speech before it’s too late.

The government’s focus on “policing speech” should raise alarm bells for every Briton. A society in which police resources are used to police speech rather than crime is one inching ever closer to totalitarianism. If we value our freedom, we must demand an end to this Orwellian nightmare, resisting the government’s attempts to dictate what we can and cannot say. Today it’s Allison Pearson; tomorrow it could be any one of us.


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