It won't end until we end it.
The UK government is considering a digital vaccine passport for kids between the ages of five and 11.
As Covid has been pushed off the news by phoney wars and green-levies masquerading as a fuel crisis, its vaccination programme is moving on at a pace with 5 to 11 year olds now being given the given Pfizer’s two-dose 'vaccine'.
Currently, parents can get a paper copy of their NHS Covid Pass for the purpose of international travel but this is reportedly 'unsatisfactory' with Health Department officials pushing forward the inclusion of children in the digital vaccine certificate scheme.
“Since 28 April 2022, the NHS Covid Pass travel letter has been available for five- to 11-year-olds who have received a full primary course of vaccination,” vaccine minister Maggie Throup told members of parliament said.
“A parent or guardian can request the letter via NHS.UK or 119. The feasibility of a digital travel pass for this cohort is currently under review.” she added.
The NHS already provides a digital certificate to everyone aged 13 and above through the NHS app whilst 12-year-olds get their digital certificates through the NHS website. Makers of the NHS app have said that the system could easily be adapted to create a full digital ID, something that civil rights campaigners warned of when Covid passes were first mooted but were dismissed as conspiracy theorists.
