The World Health Organisation call China's extreme response 'the middle way'.
The U.K. should impose new lockdowns this winter to stop the virus “just infecting everybody”, WHO Special Envoy on COVID-19 Dr. David Nabarro has said.
on day 762 of the scamdemic with an entirely meaningless 23,791 new Covid cases recorded lockdown zealot and WHO Special Envoy on COVID-19 Response Doctor David Nabarro took the opportunity to tell the British people: “Prepare for more surges” over the winter. “Hospitals and Public Health Officers are already hard at work as they know what is coming down the pipe”, said Dr. Nabarro.
Speaking with Dr. Nabarro, Sky News presenter Niall Paterson asked: “Should we all be looking ahead to what might be coming down the pipeline in autumn and winter this year?” ''should we be preparing for a surge coming later on this year?” to which Nabarro predictably replied: "Absolutely, my language is like this.” adding “Prepare for your surges, prevent transmission when the virus is around and protect people who are most at risk.”
It's as if the FOUR vaccines that have been administered have been entirely forgotten about. Nabarro didn't even mention them, or their utter failure at controlling even the mildest of covid spread, the language and rhetoric exactly the same as that of two years ago.
Instead of suggesting that any future surge should not be a problem as everyone has had an arm-full of their vaccine, Nabarro and his colleagues are eyeing up China's draconian response saying: "I think it will take a few months for leaders around the world to come together and work out the best way to deal with Covid.”
Continuing: “Right now there is still a bit of debate ‘do you try to prevent Covid completely with really strong measures as applied in China or you basically let things go and let the virus do what it wants to do?”
Referring to WHO's 'guidance' he went on to claim: “Those of us in the World Health Organisation what we tend to do is say ‘look it is a middle path. That middle path is to keep that virus back and to stop it just infecting everybody because it can have long-term effects”.
Locking up thousands of healthy-people indefinitely, whilst starving the rest into submission is 'a middle path'?
He went on "At the same time, however, try not to lockdown the whole society, because the economical and social consequences are terrible." adding: “And it is that middle path than more and more countries are moving to."
If the response by China is thought of as a 'middle path' by World Health Organisation officials then what would they consider was an extreme path? Death? It's death isn't it?
World Health Organisation want to impose China's 'middle path' lockdowns in other countries.