New 'variant of concern' magically appears same weekend as lockdown rules ignored.
Government Advisors (SAGE) have made yet another 'shocking' announcement of a new variant at the same time as a sunny weekend sees thousands head to parks and open spaces in defiance of Lockdown rules.
This follows Johnathan Van-Tam's comments last week where he reminded us that he and the rest of the Scientific Junta are still very much in charge, demanding that we not go out and enjoy ourselves saying ominously “Do not wreck this now.” adding “this is not a battle that we have won yet”.

The timing of new variants always coinciding with the public's fear waining has begun to raise questions. December's vaccine arrival was 'neutralised' with talk of new variants, as was the Christmas holiday, and though it has been forgotten by much of the media now, the current lockdown, that started in January, was because of the South African variant.
It's looking like Van-Tam was angered by the public disobeying his commands and needed another scare tactic.
Sceptics took to Twitter to point out that the new variant announcement seemed more than a little suspicious.
And don't think that newly toughened entry requirements to the UK will have stopped the new variant as SAGE claim the culprit arrived just before they were introduced. The traveller also failed to fill in the requisite registration papers when arriving home, something of a double-whammy for the rules obsessed fascists in SAGE.
Van-Tam may see himself as the Brad Pitt character in World War Z, frantically searching for 'Patient Zero', but we all see him as a fat, pug-faced twat, with psychotic tendency.