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Think you Know the PANDEMIC TREATY? Think Again! Arm Yourself with these FACTS and Read This Now

Writer: Editor Darren BirksEditor Darren Birks

You may think you know the pandemic treaty, but how much do you really know? You probably like to give the world the impression you're awake, long since red-pilled but other than the memes you've retweeted and the videos you've nodded to, how much do you understand about the pandemic Treaty? Have you even read it? Probably not, so we have read it for you.

We've picked out the salient points, the hidden agendas, and the facts that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus denies are even in there. We prove the Treaty IS 'legally binding' and highlight where it says it! We show you exactly where the plan for a world government is buried in the document, their intention to also enact a communist-style redistribution of wealth, and how it will all be done by force. We'll show you exactly how the treaty is a Trojan Horse and how 'health' is being weaponised as an excuse to control all food, land, and water. Ghebreyesus can deny it all he wants, the evidence is all here, in black and white.

All the screenshots can be downloaded and used in your next 'online debate'.

Be sure to bookmark this page, you'll be glad you did.


Page 1. Paragraph 2.

' the instrument should be legally binding and contain both legally binding as well as non-legally binding elements. '

Page 6. Paragraph 27.

' Acknowledging the creation of the Quadripartite (WHO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Organisation for Animal Health and the United Nations Environment Programme) to better address any One Health-related issue, '

Page 6. Paragraph 29.

' Recognizing that health is a precondition for, and an outcome and indicator of, the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, '

Page 7. Paragraph 34.

34. ' Reiterating the determination to achieve health equity through resolute action on social, environmental, cultural, political and economic determinants of health, such as eradicating hunger and poverty, ensuring access to health and proper food, safe drinking water and sanitation, employment and decent work and social protection in a comprehensive intersectoral approach, '

Page 7. Paragraph 35.

35. ' Emphasizing that, in order to make health for all a reality, individuals and communities need: equitable access to high quality health services without financial hardship; well-trained, skilled health workers providing quality, people-centred care; and committed policy-makers with adequate investment in health to achieve universal health coverage, '

Page 8. Paragraph 50. The world together equitably.

' advance the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health for all peoples, on the basis of equity, human rights and solidarity, with a view to achieving universal health coverage, '

Page 11. Clause 4. Equity.

' The absence of unfair, avoidable or remediable differences, including in their capacities, among and within countries, including between groups of people, whether those groups are defined socially, economically, demographically, geographically or by other dimensions of inequality, is central to equity. '

Page 11. Clause 5. Solidarity.

' to achieve the common interest of a fairer, more equitable and better prepared world. '

Page 11. Clause 8. Common but differentiated responsibilities

'all Parties are bound by the obligations of the WHO CA+.'

Page 11. Clause 8. Common but differentiated responsibilities

'States that hold more resources relevant to pandemics, including pandemic-related products and manufacturing capacity, should bear, where appropriate, a commensurate degree of differentiated responsibility with regard to global pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.'

Page 12. Clause 10. Community engagement

'Full engagement of communities in prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems is essential to mobilize social capital, resources, adherence to public health and social measures, and to gain trust in government.'

Page 12. Clause 11. Gender Equality.

'Gender equality – Pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems will be guided by and benefit from the goal of equal participation and leadership of men and women in decision-making with a particular focus on gender equality, taking into account the specific needs of all women and girls, using a country-driven, gender responsive/transformative, participatory and fully transparent approach.'

Page 12. Clause 12. Non-discrimination and respect for diversity.

'Respect for diversity'

Page 12. Clause 14. One Health

One Health – Multisectoral and transdisciplinary actions should recognize the interconnection between people, animals, plants and their shared environment, for which a coherent, integrated and unifying approach should be strengthened and applied with an aim to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems, including through, but not limited to, attention to the prevention of epidemics due to pathogens resistant to antimicrobial agents and zoonotic diseases.

Page 12. Clause 15. Universal Health Coverage.

15. Universal health coverage – The WHO CA+ will be guided by the aim of achieving universal health coverage, for which strong and resilient health systems are of key importance, as a fundamental aspect of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through promoting health and well-being for all at all ages.

Page 21. Article 14. Protection of human rights

Protection of human rights

Page 22. Article 16 Whole-of-government

Whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches at the national level

Page 23. Article 18. One Health

One Health 1. The Parties, recognizing that the majority of emerging infectious diseases and pandemics are caused by zoonotic pathogens, commit, in the context of pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems, to promote and implement a One Health approach that is coherent, integrated, coordinated and collaborative among all relevant actors, with the application of existing instruments and initiatives.

Page 25. Article 19. . Sustainable and predictable financing

cooperate with other Parties, within the means and resources at its disposal, to raise financial resources for effective implementation of the WHO CA+ through bilateral and multilateral funding mechanisms;
commit to prioritize and increase or maintain, including through greater collaboration between the health, finance and private sectors, as appropriate, domestic funding by allocating in its annual budgets not lower than 5% of its current health expenditure to pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery, notably for improving and sustaining relevant capacities and working to achieve universal health coverage; and
(d) commit to allocate, in accordance with its respective capacities, XX% of its gross domestic product for international cooperation and assistance on pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery, particularly for developing countries, including through international organizations and existing and new mechanisms.

Page 26. Chapter VII. Institutional Arrangements.

The Governing Body shall be composed of: (a) the Conference of the Parties (COP), which shall be the supreme organ of the Governing Body, composed of the Parties and constituting the sole decision-making organ;

To read the full document, click HERE

Despite all of the above, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has repeatedly attempted to gaslight the public as here:


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