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Radical Islam Threatens to Destroy Britain, But We're Compelled to 'Like it' Under UK Law

Writer: Philip JamesPhilip James

Britain is under attack from Radical Islam but we're not allowed to mention it. The British way of life, along with a thousand years of history and culture is being destroyed before our very eyes by those from a culture, and religion that is fundamentally at odds with our own. And once it's gone, it's never coming back.

Radical Islam is a real and present danger and no amount of hand-ringing or left-wing censorship is going to change that. We’ve endured decades of violence from its militant fanatics. Yet, in Starmer’s woke dystopia, speaking this truth is considered dangerous. The simple act of stating facts has become an act of defiance in a country losing its grip on reality.

Ideological enforcement.

Our police, once guardians of law and order, are now agents of ideological enforcement. Just ask Allison Pearson, the Telegraph writer who dared to challenge the orthodoxy on Remembrance Sunday. Instead of tackling actual crime,

Essex Police Chief Ben-Julian Harrington has been arresting people for “hate speech” whilst burglaries, and theft go unsolved. The result of this politicalisation of the police force: Just 13.35% of crimes were solved in Essex last year. For rape cases, that number plummets to a sickening 3.5%. These aren’t statistics—they’re a damning indictment of failed leadership.

Meanwhile, Islamist extremism is on the rise. The numbers don’t lie. Since 2001, nearly 100 Britons have been murdered by Islamic extremists. MI5 reports that three-quarters of its 'terror watchlist' consists of Islamic radicals.

Ed Husain, a respected voice on counter-extremism, estimates that 35,000 to 40,000 Islamist fanatics are currently residing in Britain. Just let that sink in for a moment. at least 35,000 Islamists, and every one of them want to do us harm. The next Manchester Arena or Westminster Bridge is only a matter of time.

These individuals aren’t hiding either. Over the past year, London has seen mass marches by Hamas sympathisers and anti-Jewish agitators. Thousands took to the streets celebrating the October 7 massacre of 1,200 innocent Israelis. The calls to eliminate Israel “from the river to the sea” echoes weekly. They actively and passionately hate us. They hate the entire western way of life, and are quite open about it.

Mosques across the UK are spreading this venom. Investigations reveal shocking levels of extremism. At least seven mosques, including the Redbridge Islamic Centre in East London, have been caught preaching anti-Semitism and inciting violence. Shockingly, some of these institutions receive taxpayer funding and charitable status. Yet, despite videos of preachers inciting violence no arrests have been made.

Hate Preachers vs Hate Speech

In a bizarre inversion of the truth the Labour government have gone after the This isn’t a fringe issue either. Ed Husain’s 2021 book, Among the Mosques: A Journey Across Muslim Britain, exposes the harsh reality. He found that nearly half of the UK’s 2,000 mosques are run by the hardline Deobandi sect. Many of these mosques preach anti-British values and promote violence against Jews. The infamous Manchester mosque linked to the Arena bomber is just one example, it had been well known that hate-preachers were operating out of the mosque yet instead of arresting those doing it they were left to continue for months, resulting in the deaths of 22 innocent teenagers.

We're facing a bleak future. The Muslim population in Britain, now over 4 million, is expected to reach 13 million by 2050. New arrivals, often from war-torn countries like Syria, Libya, and Iraq, don't simply check all their beliefs and prejudices at the door when they enter the UK, they bring their anger, resentment and rivalries with them. ripe for exploitation by hate preachers. These demographic trends aren’t speculative; they’re a looming reality.

We are lead to believe that Islam is a religion of peace, but Mohammed himself was a warlord who killed hundreds of people, kept slaves, and instructed his followers to kill unbelievers. Islamic leaders are routinely seen with guns, and Islam is the only major religion with terrorist wings. Islam is the most violent religion in history, and the entire troubles of a middle east is down to Islam.

Chillingly, 75% of British Muslims celebrated the Hamas massacre. 52% support banning images of the Prophet Muhammad, and presumably the slaughter of Charlie Hebdo who didn't.

This fight isn’t over. With bold leadership, we can turn the tide. Deport hate preachers. Defund extremist mosques. Teach British values in schools. Shut the borders. And bring back free-speech.

1 Comment

Dec 02, 2024

Two points:


You REALLY need to up your proof reading game:

" Hate Preachers vs Hate Speech

In a bizarre inversion of the truth the Labour government have gone after the This isn’t a fringe issue either."


It would be nice if our cowardly ' government ' grew a pair of balls and followed the German example of closing and litrerally demololishing radical mosques.

Why should any of these hotbeds of hate get taxpayer funding, or have charitable status?

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