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Writer's pictureEditor Darren Birks

Orwell's Worst Nightmare: Supermarkets use Facial Recognition to Sell You a Loaf of Bread

If you've purchased anything from the Co-op, Sainsbury's, Tescos or Asda of late you will have already been photographed, scanned, logged and filed for future reference even if you just popped in to buy a newspaper.

The system, indeed the mentality, of supermarkets is now to treat everyone like a criminal.  You are automatically assumed to be one with a digital 'record' opened on the minute you first enter the shop. All without your knowledge or consent.

The AI software scans your face, body, and walk, and can identify you from over 2000 tiny datapoints. When you go through the self-service till and pay with a card, the system then links that biometric data with your bank card, together with every item you have purchased. All done instantly, seamlessly, and without your knowledge.

Charged more if you don't comply.

If you do not submit to this mass collection of personal data you will be increasingly made to pay more at the tills.

If you do not submit to this mass collection of your personal data you will be increasingly made to pay more at the tills. Supermarkets have now subtly changed how their reward cards work. Instead of giving discounts for reward card customers, supermarkets have artificially inflated the prices for non-card shoppers. This trick gives the illusion of a discount for those with a card whilst punishing those who don't want to participate in the mass survailance.

The State will soon have access to supermarket cameras.

In a further assult on your privacy retailers Southern Co-Op have begun sharing the data with the Police, enthusiastically announcing in January 2023 that they now have access to over a million Police facial recognition files that their system can instantly check against. The Police in turn also have access to the shops data. This, they assure us, is for safety and to reduce crime in the area. Inevitably, those behind the scheme maintain that, 'if you haven't done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about'. But you should be worried, very worried.


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