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Not a Single Word of the Pandemic Enquiry was True: Here is What Really Happened

Writer's picture: Editor Darren BirksEditor Darren Birks

Whilst most of the world has woken up to what happened in 2020, those who delivered the plan are still at large, trying to push a long-since exposed scam. The Covid Enquiry, has just released its finding, we've read it and there is not a single word of truth in it anywhere.

The Covid Enquiry is a work of fiction, and part of a criminal fraud so large it is rightly called 'a crime against humanity'

The Government Manufactured a False Narrative: In 2020, in lockstep with the WHO and other western nations, the UK government initiated a campaign to fabricate evidence of a deadly virus outbreak. This involved creating false reports of outbreaks in various regions, fabricating medical data via a fake test, and manipulating laboratory results to suggest the existence of a new and deadly pathogen.

The Pandemic didn't happen.

There was no pandemic in 2020, Nobody died of Covid-19, nobody was off work with it, and hospitals weren't over-run by it. There were no excess-deaths, or people keeling over in the street, or piles of dead bodies being taken away by people in hazmat suits. More people died from being mauled by a tiger than they did from Covid-19 in 2020, because Covid-19 didn't exist.

Covid-19 Didn't exist.

There was no new killer virus called Covid-19. It was never found, never isolated, and never seen under a microscope anywhere on earth. As Dr Vernon Coleman said from the outset: "Covid-19 is just seasonal flu, only with much better marketing."

Covid-19 was not a lab leak bio-weapon either.

The Hollywood-style storyline of a lab leaked bio-weapon was part of the fear narrative reportedly spread by the US intelligence Service.

The test was fake.

All of the tests were fake. We know this because Covid-19 didn't exist. The test looked very serious, and scientific but it was all just theatre. Having a 'positive' result wasn't proof of Covid-19, just proof of your gullibility.

Media Manipulation: The Government worked with media outlets to disseminate alarming reports about the supposed pandemic. Sensationalised headlines, fabricated victim stories and 'expert testimonies' provided by government-affiliated scientists lent credibility to the false narrative.

The government used psychological warfare on its own people in 2020.

The UK government used propaganda and psychological warfare tactics, on its own people, in 2020. In order to get the public to become compliant, and accept a vaccine.

The 'science' was nothing more than a marketing campaign.

Describing advertising slogans as 'science' was likely one of the most deceitful claims. Just like how supposed health 'experts' spread outrageous falsehoods to the public, toothpaste manufacturers deceive consumers by dressing up an actor in a white coat to persuade them to choose their product over a more affordable competitor. Similarly, the reported death and infection rates were as dubious as the statement "four out of five dentists recommend it."

Everything you saw in 2020 was the 'response' not the virus.

The masks, arrows, signs, bulletins, tests, briefings, and reports were all reactions to Covid-19, rather than the virus itself. All that was needed was to make you accept that up was down, black was white, and health was actually sickness.

Lockdowns were part of the scam. Authorities imposed quarantine measures on healthy people to simulate a genuine response to a pandemic: Travel restrictions, lockdowns, and social distancing were all implemented to give the appearance of a widespread health crisis. Authorities then warned that citizens could only regain their freedoms by submitting to a vaccine.

Lockdowns were never part of any western country's Pandemic plan before 2020. Yet, almost overnight, most western nations announced that they would have to be imposed to prevent millions from dying. Lockdowns recked the UK economy, destroyed lives and prevented loved-ones from being together in their final hours. Taking away a person's freedom helped increase vaccine uptake as the public were told they were the key to getting their freedom back.

Falsified Healthcare Data: Healthcare facilities were tricked into falsifying patient records, inflating the number of cases and deaths attributed to the fabricated virus. Although many of the medical personnel were tricked into believing the false narrative, there must also have been a sizeable section of the workforce coerced or indeed incentivised into complying with the deception, and those people are culpable of fraud, malpractice and murder.

Sick not sick.

Asymptomatic cases were made-up in 2020. The fake PCR test was showing millions of people had Covid when it was obvious they did not, so to explain away these fake results 'scientists' (all of whom were in the pay of big pharma) came up with the Asymptomatic lie. In an instant, obviously false results became 'real' cases, allowing the government to claim the fictitious plague was spreading exponentially.

The lies were huge, ridiculous and easily disproved.

Videos of people supposedly dying in the streets of Wuhan planted fear in the minds of many, but when Covid allegedly arrived on our shores there was a distinct lack of corpses. Nobody was keeling over in the streets and the government began telling bigger and bigger lies to cover up the lack of anything happening. In a matter of days we went from being told that 650,000 would die to it being told the virus was so mild that we might not even know we had it at all. Asymptomatic cases (pseudo-science for perfectly healthy.) then became the lie we were all expected to believe.

April 2020 'Covid Deaths' were Synthetic Euthanasia.

The spike of deaths in Care Homes in April 2020 was not caused by Covid-19. Those deaths were the result of criminal actions of NHS doctors who killed those patients by withdrawing care for other illnesses and hastening their death with large doses of Midazolam and Morphine.

Midazolam and Morphine were the primary tools used to manage hospital beds in 2020.

A document issued by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, NICE, on April 3rd 2020 regarding treatment for those suffering from Covid, and which included a section on treatment for those near the end of life gave NHS managers the tools by which they could manage hospital beds by putting patients straight on an end-of-life 'care' pathway which involved giving those patients massive doses of Morphine and Midazolam claimed 'to ease the suffering of these individuals' but almost guaranteed to kill them.

Manufactured and Distributed Counterfeit Treatments: The government produced counterfeit pharmaceuticals claimed to treat the fictitious virus. These counterfeit medications were distributed to the public as part of a purported effort to combat the pandemic, further reinforcing the illusion of a genuine health crisis.

Government Scientists were in the pay of Big Pharma.

All of the government 'experts' we were lead to believe were independent had close links to the pharmaceuticals industry and were either directly, or indirectly, funded by the very same drugs companies that were making the vaccine.

The government used psychological warfare on its own people.

The UK government used propaganda and psychological warfare tactics, on its own people, in 2020. In order to get the public to become compliant, and accept a vaccine.

The UK Government suppressed dissent and Independent Investigation: Any individuals, or organisations, that attempted to challenge the official narrative were silenced, discredited, or intimidated. Independent journalists, whistleblowers, and healthcare professionals who question the authenticity of the pandemic were targeted to prevent exposure of the deception.

Mass surveillance

The government enacted a huge campaign of censorship in 2020 to ensure that the public didn't know what was going on. The UK Government redeployed its cyber warfare units to spy on its own people.


Government departments colluded with those social media companies to censor, delete, block and ban any stories that were negative about the scamdemic. Those targeted included scientists, doctors, and journalists in the worst case of censorship ever witnessed in peacetime.

Authorities promoted fear for political gain: Throughout the duration of the fabricated pandemic, the government capitalised on public fear and uncertainty to consolidate power, suppress dissent, and advance political agendas. Emergency powers were invoked enabling the government to impose all manner of draconian restricting under the guise of protecting public health and pave the way for the Pandemic Treaty.

The medical intervention, fraudulently called a vaccine,  came with its own set of lies, fake data and marketing slogans. Coupled with the pervious 9 months fear mongering and lockdowns, demand was sufficient for the government to inject over 50 million people with the drug.

It wasn't a vaccine.

The Covid-19 was a messenger RNA spike protein, a synthetic molecule that was claimed resembled the same spike protein as the virus, but as the virus was never isolated this was untrue.   The 'virus' never came anywhere near the development, trial, or manufacture which was also not reported.

People died in the trial. 

They trialled the drug on a tiny cohort of young and healthy people yet Pfizer experienced a 40% higher death rate in the trial group than the placebo even so.  They also observed over 100 different serious side effects, covering-up their findings.

The vaccine killed over 1000 a week in 2021 and continues to kill and maim victims.

For more reading see:


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