The left wing activist didn't take kindly to being challenged by the Telegraph's satirist.
Rachel Clarke is a palliative care doctor, author, and left-wing activist who to-date is best known for being brilliantly dismissed by Nigel Farage during Brexit after weeks of her abuse towards him in the media.
Dr Clarke has moved her focus now to the Pandemic and, predictably for someone who loved the EU, she loves all Covid-related things. Every rule and diktat issued to the 'little people' must be followed, and Rachel spends a lot of her time in the media vilifying those not following the rules to her exacting standards.
Dr Rachel Clarke had tweeted last month about wearing masks on public transport to stop the spread of Covid-19 which received a spirited response from The Telegraph's regular cartoonist Bob Moran who tweeted:
"She deserves to be verbally abused in public for the rest of her worthless existence. They all do."
The tweet apparently broke Twitter's rules and they removed the offending post. But that wasn't the end of it as the Telegraph executives hauled Moran into the office after Clarke, who has 217k followers and tweets as @doctor_oxford, retaliated: ‘Why do you employ a man who openly abuses NHS staff, @telegraph?’
Telegraph executives didn't like the publicity and instead of just asking the cartoonist to apologise, who was tweeting in a personal capacity, they suspended the young cartoonist. Many applauded the move, not knowing Clarke or Moran’s personal story.
On the surface, Moran’s tweet may have appeared unwarranted, but what most don’t know is the years of pent-up frustration that spilled over into that life-changing, 80-character rant. In a heartfelt pinned tweet apology, published to @bobscartoons 42k Twitter followers on Thursday, he admitted he had made a mistake but felt it important to explain what for him had been the final straw.
In the tweet, headed ‘An apology to @doctor_oxford’, he wrote: ‘I regret any distress caused by my comments directed at Dr Rachel Clarke, posted on September 28 2021. It was a mistake to send a tweet suggesting that she deserved verbal abuse and I’m sorry if she received any as a result.
"I want to make it clear that I did not target Dr Clarke in my capacity as a journalist or an employee of Telegraph Media Group. I targeted her in my capacity as a desperate and angry father of a disabled child. My eight-year-old daughter has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. She has many complex needs which require input from a range of therapists and healthcare workers. She has severe learning difficulties and is very far behind academically. Life before 2020 was already extremely difficult for us as a family. Lockdown, and the other measures implemented to try to control a virus which poses no threat to children, have been devastating."
"My daughter did not see a physiotherapist, a paediatric consultant, an epilepsy consultant, an occupational therapist, an orthopaedic surgeon, an optician or a GP for the best part of two years. She was denied the right to attend school for almost an entire year. She has had to contend with people interacting with her while wearing masks, visors and rubber gloves. None of which she understands and all of which create additional problems for a child with visual impairment and speech delay. She was deprived of health benefits and pure joy normally afforded by her weekly sessions of hydrotherapy and riding for the disabled. Her mobility declined. Her mental health suffered terribly. Her seizures got to the point where they lasted so long that she was turning blue and choking to death. We have almost lost her several times."
"This is what the “public health policies” implemented by government and promoted by high-profile figures like Dr Clarke have meant for my family and many others like us. Children have died as a result of lockdowns in the UK and around the world. This is an undeniable fact and one which I find sickeningly immoral. This is why I am angry. This is why I am unequivocally opposed to all of these damaging, immoral measures and want to ensure they can never happen again."
"I do not have a personal vendetta against all doctors and healthcare professionals. Medical clinicians are a vital and valued part of our society. My issue is with those doctors who have chosen to disregard the central pledge of the Hippocratic oath: “First do no harm.”
"Eight years ago, I took my wife to hospital after she had been having contractions for five days without progression. I knew that something was very wrong. But I trusted the health service. I respected the nurses and midwives on that almost empty ward when they told me everything would be fine. When I asked repeatedly to see a doctor, I accepted their assertion that there was no need. I didn’t want to make a fuss. I failed to act. As a result, my baby girl was born dead and, having been resuscitated, spent two weeks in intensive care fighting for her life. As she lay in that plastic box, covered in tubes and surrounded by monitors, I held her tiny hand and I made her a promise. I promised her that I would never fail her again. That when her life was under threat, from whatever forces, I would stand up and fight for her without fear or hesitation. Whatever it took. Whatever the cost to me. ‘I may have gone too far in this instance. I may have violated Twitter’s terms. I may have broken the rules of civilised debate. But I have not broken my promise to my little girl. And I will not."
Moran knew Dr Clarke was not responsible for the appalling suffering his family have endured, but what doctors who choose to make themselves visible must realise is that thousands of families, and mainly families most in need, have suffered unimaginable hardship while doctors such as Clarke, a best-selling author, who are quite comfortable thank you, have been promoting the very tools causing so much distress like mask wearing.
Clarke, like so many in the NHS, think that they are beyond reproach or criticism. Anyone watching her on television can see she's a narcissist who thinks nothing of verbally abusing anyone who she believes is morally or intellectually beneath her (which is everyone) and happily hides behind her NHS badge like so many do. Moran withdrew his tweet (so much for free speech) because he feared losing his job, a classic example of being 'cancelled' by the left who are actually the worst culprits of online abuse.
Wind YOUR f----ing neck in CLARKE. You're a hopeless ass hole. Offended by WHAT. According to 'gossip and rumour' she's not a particularly good doctor. Too much time spend 'left winging'........not a good sign..........is it ? Many of us find CLARKE VERY OFFENSIVE.