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'Muslims Have Right To Kill Millions of French People' Says Former Malaysian PM

Writer: Vision NewsVision News

Mahathir bin Mohamad supports jihadist terror in France

Former Prime Minister of Malaysia has reacted to the series of Islamic terror murders in France by tweeting, “Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past.”

Three people were killed and several injured near a church in the Notre-Dame area of Nice on Friday, including one 70-year-old woman who was decapitated. The decapitated with the culprit, a jihadist, shouting “Allahu Akbar” throughout the attack on Friday, whilst in Avignon, a man wielding a knife while also shouting “Allahu Akbar” was shot dead after trying to attack police officers who were patrolling the street. But it was the BEHEADING of school teacher Samuel Paty in Paris earlier this month by a Chechen jihadist who sought revenge for Paty showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad to pupils in his class.

Mahathir bin Mohamad, who served twice as the Prime Minister of Malaysia most recently from 2018 to 2020, reacted to the attacks by suggesting that they were completely justified because of France’s colonial past.

In a series of chilling tweets that reveal the true nature of a psychotic loony, and echo the belief of many muslims Mohamad also tweeted:

The tweet received hundreds of complaints forcing Twitter to remove it, which Mohamad then criticised Twitter and Facebook for removing them.

The sick religious nutter also tweeted: “While I believe in the freedom of expression, I do not think it includes insulting other people. You cannot go up to a man and curse him simply because you believe in freedom of speech,” a remark that mirrors what the Pope said after jihadists slaughtered Charlie Hebdo cartoonists in 2015.

The French, perhaps even more than the British, value their free speech and will strongly defend it. The nature of French society, a proudly egalitarian people, are at odds with EU policy in this regard. Flooding the country with religious-fascists will inevitably lead to this type of sick barbarity. Proof, if it were ever needed, that these aren't the acts of lone-wolves who are mentally ill, but sanctioned attacks, as Mohamad's tweets clearly demonstrate.


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