An investigation by GB News has identified 50 towns and cities where Muslim Rape Gangs have operated, revealing for the first time something nearing thee true scale of the scandal.
The scale of the abuse is far greater than official reports claimed. According to those now investigating these crimes over 250,000 white girls were victims of the most depraved and violent abuse by Pakistani Muslim men.
250,000 white girls, some as young as 12, drugged and then anally and vaginally raped, repeatedly by six to eight Muslim men at a time.

These bombshell revelations have been dismissed by the Labour Government who claim they are a far-right conspiracy theory and that there is no need for an enquiry as a result.
'Safeguarding' Minister Jess Phillips begrudgingly acknowledged the "strength of feeling" for an inquiry but said the decision to commission one ultimately rests with the local authorities. Phillips, who has been a faux campaigner for women's rites, became angry and aggressive when asked about justice for the victims of Pakistani rape gangs. Angrily, the 'safeguarding' minister snapped' at the reporter saying 'I believe it is for Oldham Council alone to decide to commission an inquiry into child sexual exploitation locally, rather than for the Government to intervene,"
The backlash is in no small part due to X owner Elon Musk, who has repeatedly attacked Labour's record on the Pakistani Rape Gang scandal. Kier Starmer can't even say that he has inherited the crisis as he was the Director of Public Prosecutions between 2008 and 2013 when most girls were raped.
There have been a number of local inquiries into what authorities call 'grooming gang activities' including Rotherham, Telford, and Rochdale but these were reportedly a whitewash, with the conclusions often being that the girls involved were basically 'asking for it'. A mentality that still permeates through many of the institutions.
Labour has cited these existing inquiries as having already addressed the issue, suggesting that further national inquiries might not add significant new insights or solutions. This is unacceptable to millions who already know that the enquiries don't even scratch the surface. Nor did they provide an explanation as to why they happened; identify the common denominator in all of the known cases, or provide any type of guarantee that they wouldn't happen again.
Health Secretary Wes Streeting also attempted to obfuscate the lack of justice for the victims citing the 'Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) as supposed 'evidence' that the matter has been covered sufficiently at a national level. However, GB News reporter Charlie Peters heavily criticised the IICSA report, noting that it 'did not widen its focus to the national prevalence of grooming gangs, focusing instead on six case study areas where there were no significant reports of grooming gangs.
The Muslim Rape Gangs were "lumped" in with other abuse networks, one such network being the Catholic Church, which is often (always) brought up by the Muslim Rape Gang apologist to deflect from the heinous crimes.
Indeed, none of the Northern towns, which have featured prominently in the scandal, were chosen. The only place the IICSA report looked at which had a grooming gangs scandal was Bristol, where girls were targeted by a Somali abuse and rape network over many years.
Not a single one of the 250,000 rapes of white girls by Muslim men were even mentioned. In the few local enquires performed by councils the conclusions were all the same, the girls were asking for it, with one report even suggesting that many of the girls being raped were more sexually experienced than the Muslim men doing the raping.
GB News has identified over 50 different towns and cities that have endured abuse gangs, almost all of which haven’t had proper inquiries (see above map). Sifting through court records, local media reports, and gathering first-hand accounts from several victims,
Peters' analysis suggests reports from Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford are the tip of the iceberg and that a more extensive investigation is urgently needed.
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