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Writer's picturePhilip James

MISOGYNY: A TERROR THREAT?Yvette Cooper Designates 'Dislike of Women' an Extreme Ideology

Misogyny will be treated as a form of extremism under new government plans, the Home Office has said.

Yvette Cooper, the home secretary, has ordered a review of the UK's 'counter-extremism' strategy to determine how best to tackle threats posed by harmful ideologies. Incredibly, one of those 'harmful ideologies' is that of 'misogyny' which Cooper says is tantamount to terrorism and those indulging in it should be treated like terrorists by the Government.

That’s right, Misogyny is the new terrorism. The Home Secretary has decided that threats and abuse directed at women are no longer just bad behaviour – they’re an imminent threat to national security!

In her latest announcement, Cooper vowed to go after those who commit extreme acts of hatred towards women with the same intensity the government reserves for extremists and radicals. Cooper is doubling down on the idea that men are a threat to society, giving the police new powers to prosecute misogynists as terror suspects.

The analysis will look at hatred of women as one of the ideological trends that the government says is gaining traction. Ms Cooper said there has been a rise in extremism "both online and on our streets" that "frays the very fabric of our communities and our democracy".

This is just the latest move by the UK government to apply Identity Politics to law and order. The government have set their sights on Straight White Men on almost every area of policy, all designed to beat them down based on some perceived injustice or hatred.

The tactic is simple, first move the goalposts to the left, making previously considered normal behaviour suddenly unacceptable. Then begin calling that previously normal behaviour derogatory names such as 'far right', 'racist', 'misogynistic' etc. Use the left-wing media to help 'redefine' ordinary behaviour as 'extreme' with constant reinforcement of that message. By categorising everything done by your target group as the same you can also make ordinary behaviour appear like a crime, this will help when it comes to writing new laws which will take the 'word' and not the 'crime' as guilt factor. Impose new laws that you claim are to 'tackle' a extreme threat that will criminalise ordinary people.

We have seen how this tactic works in recent weeks where people who have posted hurty words on Facebook have received prison time for being 'far-right rioters'. When Sarah Everard was murdered, the left were quick to say that misogyny was behind it, meaning that every time anyone else was labelled with the word, for whatever reason, we are fooled into making that association in our heads. It's a psychological trick: Misogyny; a dislike of women, then becomes a 'murderer of women' in the minds of the public. Under these new measures, not only will they face the full wrath of the law – they’ll be branded as TERRORISTS.

Expect ordinary people to face terror charges for making inappropriate comments on Facebook before the year is out.

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