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Matt Hancock Ordered to the High Court Over Handling of Pubs Reopening

Where's the EVIDENCE that says pubs and restaurants cannot open at the same time as “non-essential” shops?

Matt Hancock has been ordered to the High Court to justify this decision, following legal action by Sacha Lord and Hugh Osmond.

The Telegraph reports: The legal action has been brought by nightclubs operator Sacha Lord and Pizza Express founder Hugh Osmond to try to force the early opening of hospitality venues. According to High Court documents seen by the Telegraph the pair are challenging “the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Steps) (England) Regulations 2021 to the extent that those Regulations provide for non-essential retail businesses to reopen before indoor hospitality businesses”. The order from Mr Justice Swift says that “the Secretary of State shall by 10am on Tuesday April 6th, 2021 file and serve his response to the application” from the pair.

Although Mr Hancock has been summoned to the High Court, don't expect the slimy little weasel to appear there himself, he will send Whitehall officials to attend court on his behalf.

His problem is that there is no science, for any of it. The government were repeatedly asked to provide the evidence for lockdowns, and, more importantly, a benefits vs risk analysis which they not only never did, too caught up with the idea of imposing China's lockdown idea, but never even did it after it was demanded. The opening of pubs, in the same way they were closed, is done on the say-so of SAGE Technocrats who failed to provide any concrete evidence that pubs and restaurants provide ANY risk to anyone whatsoever.

In a democracy, evidence and rationality should still matter, and so too should transparency, challenge and accountability, but if this is indeed a war, then the first casualty, as always, is the truth. Matt Hancock has been given an easy ride in Parliament with the official Opposition being nowhere to be seen, the media complicit in the charade, and dissenters being hounded out of their jobs and homes by the Covidian mob. We've seen both SAGE advisers and ministers showing a huge amount of arrogance, and a sense that they are above scrutiny, completely forgetting that they are servants of the public, not our fucking authoritarian masters.

Sacha Lord, one of those taking Hancock to the High Court said: "The Government left us no choice but to take it to court and regardless of the eventual outcome of the case, I am grateful to Mr Justice Swift (whose name seems so apt) for recognising that this is a truly urgent matter affecting the lives of millions of people, that simply cannot wait."

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