"The Bill could lead to mass starvation, widespread disease and fatalities and the almost certain collapse of civil liberties and society within a few years."
The Climate and Nature Bill is a private member's bill introduced by Liberal Democrat MP Roz Savage on 16 October 2024. This Friday, January 24th, the UK Parliament is due to vote on that Bill. According to Chris Morrison of the Daily Sceptic the Bill could very easily "lead to mass starvation, widespread disease and fatalities and the almost certain collapse of civil liberties and society within a few years." and due to the sneaky way it's being tabled, could very well get passed.
The Bill is a thinly-disguised attempt to ration and control every aspect of our lives using the climate change lie. It is a concerted and heinous plan to install a form of eco-communism on an unsuspecting public.
The Climate and Nature Bill would force on the British public policies consistent with the global mean temperature increase limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To achieve this entirely arbitrary limit the Bill makes legally binding the end of exploration, extraction, export, or import of all fossil fuels as rapidly as possible. This is Net Zero on steroids.
Massive expansion of State powers.
The Climate and Nature Bill calls for the establishment of an 'independent body' called a Citizen Assembly on Climate Change which, they claim will be made up of members of the public, but, in reality, will be made up entirely of climate change zealots chosen by other climate change zealots, none of whom were elected, but giving the illusion of democracy.
This unelected eco-Communist group will have legal powers over the UK Government thereby forcing a green (red) agenda on a public that didn't vote for it. The greens have just 4 MPs in parliament proving that nobody is interested in their climate change bollocks, yet their agenda holds immense power over all our lives and is about to take total control.
It's really Communism with a green wash.
The Bill requires the intrusion of the state into every aspect of our lives. The UK government already tells its citizens what kind of buildings they can live in; what kind of appliances they can buy; what kind of cars they can drive and where they can drive it. Businesses are already forced by law to a load of draconian rules in the name of fighting climate change.
A ban of Fossil Fuels would be a catastrophe for Britain. We are already struggling to keep the lights on and heat our homes with fuel bills already the highest in the world this would rapidly lead to the collapse of the British economy and society itself would follow.
Who is behind the Bill?
In the name of fighting climate change the British government is being pushed by far-left activist group Zero Hour who reportedly have links to Open Society and other far-left organisations and receive money together with instruction, via shell companies and other fake campaign groups. Zero Hour have also been steadily infiltrating government departments and the media and there has long since been a blanket ban on any climate change scepticism on tv and radio, silencing any opposition voices to the Bill in the process.
The bill has the support of a third of MPs, and due to it being read on a Friday afternoon when most MPs have headed home for the weekend, there is a real chance that this could be passed.