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Mass Immigration: The Deliberate Plan to Destroy Europe by Flooding it with 'Hate-Filled' Migrants

In the last decade Europe has changed beyond all recognition. Millions of people from the global south have flooded into the west only to then rampaged through its towns and cities. Violent crimes, including rape and murder, have all shot up. Europe's already struggling economy is now in free-fall, whilst its public services are all at breaking point under the strain of millions of extra people from the sub continent.

Whilst this was happening our leaders were lying directly to our faces. First claiming it wasn't happening at all, then that it was, but it was needed to prop-up the ailing economy, and lately not even bothering with that, simply arresting anyone who dares say out loud what we are all thinking.

European citizens, who were never asked if they wanted mass immigration, have been forced to watch as their country was flooded with millions of people from cultures diametrically opposed to their own.  Politicians from the socialist project opened the borders and encouraged millions of Africans, Asians and those from the Middle-East to enter Europe and take whatever they wanted. They’re still coming, and they’re still taking. 

Have you ever noticed how a 'refugee' is never heard saying they are thankful to the country that has taken them in? Likewise you'll never hear a migrant saying how they love the English people or the English way of life. On the contrary,  they'll be hate-filled, aggressive and exhibit nothing but contempt for the people whose country they're now in.

Pay particular attention next time a 'refugee' appears on your television, they'll be no gratitude, or even basic respect for the country that has provided them with food, shelter and safety, not a bit of it. They'll assume that they have some, as unspecified, rite to free bed and board for life believing they're entitled to all that because of 'colonialism' or some other twisted version of history fed to them by NGOs, charities, and the left wing media.

And these are not the doctors, scientists and engineers from those countries, these are the beggars, rapists and murderers that their own country will be glad to sed the back of.    As if having another country's criminals were not bad enough many more bring with them the very ethnic and religious tensions that they're supposedly escaping from. Their morals, values, culture and religion(s) are all at odds with our own.

Gang rape, Stabbings and acid attacks, are now all commonplace in every major European City, whilst terror attacks are an ever present danger. Europe is being destroyed, and not by accident. Globalists like George Soros, Tony Blair and Klaus Schwabb have for decades been facilitating this invasion, whilst all the time gaslighting the public.   The European Union and United Nations are both socialist projects, geared up specifically to destroy the old world they so vehemently hate.

None of this was by accident.  The intent was always to destroy nation states, to destroy the West, to destroy capitalism itself.

We now know that there is a direct link between mass immigration and certain crimes.   Our new reality in Europe is mass violent crime.  Rapes, assaults, stabbings, shootings, murders, and even beheadings are now the norm.   Crimes once incredibly rare are now everyday occurrences.

The figures are so bad that in Britain the Government now refuses to publish them, claiming that they simply don't collect information on ethnicity when it comes to crime. Odd considering they collect it for everything else.  They even demand that private companies collect detailed records on ethnicity via another globalist agenda: DEI. Yet when it comes to crime-figures suddenly the government become deaf, dumb and blind.  

In recent months the British government have taken to implying that anyone asking for these numbers is a racist for even suggesting that there may be a link.

Tony Blair

When Labour were in power Tony Blair threw open Britain's borders to mass immigration to socially engineer a "truly multicultural" country, according to one of his advisors.

The huge increases in migrants over the last decade was politically motivated and due to no other reason than ministers attempting to radically change the country and "rub the Right's nose in diversity", according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Blair.

He said Labour's 'relaxation' of controls was a deliberate plan to "open up the UK to mass migration" and that ministers were 'nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly' for fear it would alienate its "core working class vote". As a result, the public argument for immigration concentrated instead on the 'economic benefits' and need for more migrants.

Critics said the revelations showed a "conspiracy" within Government to impose mass immigration for "cynical" political reasons.

George Soros

In 2015 George Soros wrote a plan to destabilise Europe by flooding it with millions of migrants from the third world.   In the plan, which was presented to the European Union as a done-deal, Soros demanded Europe Opened Its Floodgates.    George Soros, a billionaire with questionable motives, is at the forefront, insisting that the EU accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually.    

And to make this madness palatable to member states, Soros proposes throwing billions of euros at the problem, with each asylum-seeker coming with a €15,000 price tag.  A price tag that EU citizens would pay, meaning EU citizens were paying for their own replacement.  

Soros, who made his billions by deliberately destabilising economies, claimed that this would ‘stimulate the European economy’, but the opposite happened, whilst the cost to happiness, society and human life of Europeans has been devastating.

Trojan Horse.

Soros further orchestrated this invasion by setting up channels that made it easy for people from the Middle East and Africa to get into Europe,  he effectively instructed countries to class all the invaders as asylum seekers, and pumped millions of Euros into charities and NGOs to facilitate the plan. 

The crisis we are witnessing was not inevitable. It was a crisis long in the making, exacerbated by weak leadership and dangerous ideologies. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has offered an alternative – one that prioritizes Europe's security and sovereignty. But Soros, with his disregard for national borders and obsession with human rights, seeks to undermine the very foundations of the EU.

Allowing thousands of undocumented males from failed countries into the Europe every day is madness, and the consequences are there for all to see.   Countries like France, Germany, Netherlands, UK and Ireland are now all witnessing the devastation the policy has caused,  violent crime often against women, are now commonplace, you won’t see it on thee news, the media long-since bought off by the likes of Soros and Gates, but look on X and a very different story unfolds.  Gangs of feral Black youths are routinely seen acting in the most barbaric way.  The violence is extreme, the victims often women and the elderly, and in many European cities nobody is safe. 

What we are witnessing, in real time, is the turning of the West into a third world country in pursuit of a socialist ideology.

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" Immigrants? We sent out search parties to get them to come...and made it hard for Britons to get work " says Peter Mandelson.Former government minister admits Labour deliberately engineered mass immigration.Between 1997 and 2010 when Labour were in power, net immigration to Britain totalled 2.2 million.

  "You really do have to wonder how much you would have to hate, indeed loathe, your culture, your country and your fellow citizens, before you would even contemplate something like . . . Labour's conspiracy for mass immigration.

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