6pm Curfew for all males takes on another dimension when it emerges Mark Drakeford's son is the actual wrong-un, not the rest of us!
In a bizarre twist in the row over 6pm Curfews for Men it has emerged that Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford's own son with jailed in 2018 for eight years after being convicted of a "sustained" rape.
The BBC carried the story in 2018, stating: Jonathan Drakeford, the son of Welsh First Minister and Labour leader, was convicted of rape and actual bodily harm in 2018, and also admitted to a child sexual offence after he communicated with a girl who he thought was 15 on Facebook.

Cardiff Crown Court heard the rape was committed as "punishment" with Judge Jonathan Furness QC saying 'the victim had been left mentally and emotionally affected by the violent "prolonged" ordeal in November 2016. In a statement read out in court, the victim said she worried Jonathan Drakeford would "come and get me again". "The affect this rape has had on my life is huge - emotionally, mentally and physically," the victim said in a statement read out in court.
Drakeford, who has been added to the sex offenders register for life, will serve half of his sentence in prison before being let out on licence. Therefore, he will be back on the streets again in 2022.
Speaking about a 6pm Curfew for ALL Males yesterday, Mark Drakeford said: 'whilst it wouldn’t be on the top of the list, if it were a crisis and you needed to take dramatic action that would allow that crisis to be drawn down, then of course you would be prepared to consider all measures'.
Is this Equality of Outcome that socialists are always banging on about?