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Lateral Flow Tests May Be As Low as 2% Accurate - Leaked Government Emails Reveal

Writer: Editor Darren BirksEditor Darren Birks

They've known all along rapid testing is useless, but without them, and PCR testing, there is no pandemic.

The Guardian online revealed today that they have seen emails between Matt Hancock and his advisors where the advisors say there's an ‘urgent need for decisions’ on asymptomatic testing. According to the newspaper: Senior government officials have raised “urgent” concerns about the mass expansion of rapid coronavirus testing, estimating that as few as 2% to 10% of positive results may be accurate in places with low Covid rates, such as London.

Emails, seen by the Guardian, show that senior officials are now considering scaling back the widespread testing of people without symptoms, due to a growing number of false positives, according to the newspaper. In one email, Ben Dyson, an executive director of strategy at the health department and one of health secretary Matt Hancock’s advisers, stressed the “fairly urgent need for decisions” on “the point at which we stop offering asymptomatic testing”.

On 9 April, the day everyone in England was able to order twice-weekly lateral flow device (LFD) tests, Dyson wrote: “As of today, someone who gets a positive LFD result in (say) London has at best a 25% chance of it being a true positive, but if it is a self-reported test potentially as low as 10% (on an optimistic assumption about specificity) or as low as 2% (on a more pessimistic assumption).”

He added that the department’s executive committee, which includes Hancock and the NHS test and trace chief, Dido Harding, would soon need to decide whether requiring people to self-isolate before a confirmatory PCR test “ceases to be reasonable” in low infection areas where there is a high likelihood of a positive result being wrong.

It appears that officials have known all along that Lateral Flow Tests were useless, despite repeatedly lying to the public. The big problem Hancock, Harding and SAGE face is, without massive numbers of 'cases' (i.e. false positives) they have no pandemic. Officials are claiming that this phenomenon is new, attributing it to the 'falling number of cases'. Their argument being: "The proportion of false positives – people incorrectly told they have the virus – increases when the prevalence of the disease falls. This happens because although the number of true positives is falling, the tests produce roughly the same number of false positives – meaning the proportion of incorrect results becomes greater." However, an expert in statistical probability has told Vision News:

"Nonsense, one test has absolutely no influence on another, they either work or they don't, the percentage of inaccurate results cannot increase or decrease in response to the virus, what utter bollocks"

We have reported that both PCR and Lateral Flow Tests being useless have given us a Pseudo-Epidemic. These inaccurate tests have fuelled the entire pandemic so it is in the vested interest of those pushing the pandemic narrative to claim their accuracy is 99%, when we know this not to be the case. The PCR test can't detect if you're sick, according to its inventor, and lateral flow tests literally flag up anything as Covid, even Coca-Cola, as was demonstrated in the Austrian Parliament last year (the video of which has since been removed from all social media predictably).

The Guardian have now buried this story on a sub page of the site, when it should have been front page news. We've been lied to, repeatedly, about a pandemic that simply doesn't exist, perpetuated by useless tests the government know don't work. This is probably the biggest scandal of our time.


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