Britain is under siege by an Orwellian nightmare crafted by the Labour Party, one that could turn everyday citizens into criminals without so much as breaking a single law. The so-called 'Non-Crime Hate Incident' (NCHI) policy, a dark remnant of Labour’s soft-touch approach to law and order, has been used to stamp out free speech in the name of “political correctness.”
Now, you don’t even need to break the law to get a criminal record. All it takes is for someone to feel ‘offended’ or claim that your words or actions are "motivated by hostility" towards a protected characteristic—like race, religion, or gender identity—and suddenly, your name is on a police record, even though no crime has been committed.
Under the new policy you could have a criminal record without having committed a crime.
That's right, under this Labour-backed policy, saying something that someone might consider offensive—even if it's just a joke or an offhand comment—can land you in the crosshairs of Big Brother. The police can record these so-called incidents, potentially damaging your reputation, your job prospects, and your future, without you ever having been charged or convicted of any crime.
Being against mass uncontrolled immigration, criticising Islam, or pointing out the obvious about knife crime is more than likely to have you fall foul of the new law.
Let that sink in. You’re not a criminal, but you could still end up with a stain on your record that could follow you for years. The NCHI will then form part of your ‘criminal record’ and could bar you from working in certain jobs, including the whole of thee public sector. A NCHI also stays on your record indefinitely, not even being expunged after a set period.
Labour are not only going to bring back the draconian policy, but are planning to ramp-up its use to exceed previous years records.
Between 2014 and 2019, a staggering 120,000 ‘Non-Crime Hate Incidents’ were recorded by police across England and Wales. That’s 120,000 people whose lives could have been tarnished by the law, despite them having committed no crime.
Labour love the law as it has a ‘chilling effect’ on free speech.
In 2021, the Court of Appeal found that these records actually had a "chilling effect" on free speech, a damning indictment of Socialists meddling with the legal system. Despite this, or more likely because of it, the policy has been defended with supporters claiming it’s necessary to protect vulnerable groups.
This law only goes one way. Whilst British people cannot say anything negative about Islam or black people, they are free to say whatever they like about Christianity, and White people. Immigrants can and do say the most vile and hateful things about the indigenous people’s of Great Britain without fear.
The hypocrisy is astonishing. Labour claims to champion the working class and ordinary people, yet they are the very ones targeted by this draconian policy. It’s the everyday Brit who suffers when Labour and their allies in the left-wing establishment decide that your opinions, your jokes, or even your social media posts are "hate incidents."
And where does it end? Today, it’s your opinion on sensitive issues like immigration or gender. Tomorrow, it could be your political beliefs, your criticism of government policy, or even your sense of humour that sees you flagged by the NCHI enforcers.
This isn't about preventing crime, there is no evidence that the law has reduced crime one iota, this is about Labour imposing its own warped version of morality on the entire nation. It's about controlling what you think, what you say, and what you believe. And if you dare step out of line, you’ll find yourself with a “non-crime” black mark against your name.
The British people deserve better. We deserve a government that respects free speech, not one that uses the police as a tool to silence dissent. It’s high time that the NCHI policy is consigned to the dustbin of history, where it belongs, along with the rest of Labour’s failed, freedom-crushing ideas.