Why are so many surprised by any of the things Keir Starmer has done since taking office? The extreme crackdown on speech, the persecution of the old, and the massive corruption were all (depressingly) predictable.
It’s time we face the facts: Keir Starmer, the man who’s been pretending to play the role of “sensible” Labour leader, is nothing more than a secret Communist hell-bent on turning Britain into a Marxist dystopia. Don’t be fooled by his well-tailored suits and calm demeanour—Starmer’s true colours are red, and they’re bleeding through Labour’s policies.
The Speech Police
Let’s start with one of the hallmarks of any Marxist regime: controlling what people say. Under Starmer, Labour has championed the introduction of draconian speech laws that are dressed up as "hate speech" regulations. But make no mistake, this is about shutting down dissent, pure and simple. The Left has always thrived on controlling the narrative, and Starmer is no different. Under his leadership, Labour wants to police what people can say in public, on social media, and even in the privacy of their own homes.
Free speech? Forget it. If Starmer and his Marxist comrades have their way, we'll all be walking on eggshells, terrified that expressing a conservative viewpoint will land us in court. Labour’s obsession with thought control is straight out of the Communist playbook, where dissent is silenced and only the Party's line can be heard.
Nationalisation: A Dangerous Slide to State Control
Labour under Starmer isn’t shy about its plans to seize control of industries and drag us back to the 1970s. Nationalisation is not just a policy, it’s a weapon of the Marxist state—a way to make sure the government controls everything from your energy bills to your travel options. Starmer’s calls to renationalise energy, railways, and water companies are nothing more than a step toward state control of the economy, the same method used by Communist dictatorships to ensure the government has its hands in every pocket.
This isn’t about making services "better" for the public; it’s about power. Once Labour controls these industries, they control us. We’ll be paying the price through higher taxes, while the bureaucrats in Labour’s ranks reap the rewards. It’s economic enslavement, plain and simple.
Robbing the Elderly
Labour loves to talk about fairness, but their version of fairness looks a lot like theft. One of their favourite targets? The elderly. Starmer’s Labour has hinted at plans to raid pensions, strip away benefits, and essentially rob those who have worked hard all their lives to build a secure future. The elderly are a prime target for any Marxist regime—seen as outdated and expendable—so it’s no surprise that Starmer has his sights set on their savings.
Pensions are a form of wealth Labour can’t stand, especially when it’s in the hands of hardworking Britons who dare to accumulate something for themselves. Starmer’s band of socialist warriors would rather redistribute that wealth to fund their bloated welfare state, rewarding those who haven’t lifted a finger while punishing the savers and planners.
Spending Other People’s Money
Labour’s entire platform under Starmer revolves around one key principle: spend, spend, spend—but never their own money. In true Marxist fashion, Starmer wants to dip into your pockets to pay for his grand schemes. Whether it’s free this or free that, it’s all being funded by the taxpayer, while Labour spends like there’s no tomorrow.
It’s easy to promise utopia when you’re using other people’s hard-earned money. Starmer, like every good Marxist, knows that the state’s survival depends on draining the productive members of society dry. The middle class, the entrepreneurs, the strivers—they’re all there to be milked for Labour’s never-ending list of spending promises.
Predictable Corruption
Is anyone really surprised that Labour is rife with corruption scandals? Under Starmer’s leadership, the party’s true Marxist nature has come to light: it’s corrupt to the core. The latest string of corruption allegations was all but inevitable. A party built on seizing power and wealth is always going to have its fair share of dodgy deals and backroom handshakes.
From cash-for-influence scandals to dodgy donations, Starmer’s Labour has proven itself to be just as corrupt as any Marxist regime that came before it. When you give power to people who think they can control every aspect of society, they’re bound to exploit it for personal gain. Starmer may present himself as the squeaky-clean alternative to Corbyn, but the stench of corruption still hangs heavy over the party.
The Red Threat Exposed
Keir Starmer can try to play the moderate all he likes, but the truth is clear: Labour, under his leadership, is marching straight down the path to Marxism. Controlling speech, nationalising industries, robbing the elderly, and spending recklessly while corruption festers—this is the Labour Party’s real agenda. Starmer may think he can hide his true nature from the British public, but we see through the façade. It’s time to call it what it is: Starmer is a secret Communist, and his Labour Party is the greatest threat to British freedom we’ve seen in a generation.