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HRT Advocate Diagnosed with BRAIN TUMOUR Posts Emotional Video

Writer: Editor Darren BirksEditor Darren Birks

Self-style 'Health Guru' who advocated for HRT has now been diagnosed with one of its side effects...

Davina McCall has revealed that she is undergoing surgery to remove a brain tumour today, asking for fans to ‘Prey for her’.

The 57 year old television presenter and ’health guru’ announced on Instagram that she was suffering from a 'very rare' type of tumour that only affects three in a million people according to the experts.  McCall said she received the diagnosis ‘by chance’ after booking in for something she described as a 'health scan'.  

McCall said: 'I was offered a health scan which I thought I was going to ace but it turned out I had benign brain tumour which is very rare, three in a million.  'It's quite big, it's 14mm wide and it needs to come out because if it grows it would be bad. I'm having it removed.'

Self-style 'Health Guru' who advocated for HRT

The news that the fitness guru and HRT advocate is now seriously ill has come as a shock to fans, thousands of who have taken her advice on health matters.  

Television Campaign

McCall was a campaigner for HRT, urging other women to get the drug, thousands of whom did with little or no understanding of the risks involved.   McCall did a campaign, book and television documentary promoting HRT, claiming that it was the ‘wonder drug’ and her ’secret weapon’ for beating thee menopause.  

667,000 more women now run the risk of a similar diagnosis

McCall who has no medical training and has no understanding of the safety profile of the drug blanketed the airways advising women going through the menopause to demand HRT drugs from their GP and campaigned to get even easier access to it through the NHS.  

The NHS reported that demand for the drug went up by 47% following Davina McCall's campaign.

The campaign has recently been reframed as just raising ‘awareness’ of the Menopause but the campaign was really a promotion of HRT drugs with some even suggesting that McCall was paid by the makers to help increase sales.  

Don't mention the risks

McCall was ignorant to the risks involved in taking HRT one of which is a very serious risk of developing brain cancer.  McCall failed to mention this in any of her documentaries, podcasts, books or dvd, mentioned only that the drug was ‘not right for everyone’.  

HRT increasing risk of Brain Tumours

HRT is well known to increase the risk or Brain Tumours , something that McCall should have made the public aware of but failed to do.  Study after Study have shown the same chilling result.  Medical journal ScienceDirect states:   Every use of HRT was associated with an increased risk of meningioma (OR, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1–1.5) compared with non-use (0–1 prescriptions). The risk increased with increasing duration of HRT use, reaching an OR of 1.7 (95% CI, 1.2–2.3) after more than 10 years of use.

It is unknown how many more women will be diagnosed with a Brain Tumour following McCalls HRT campaign but NHS figures suggest that In England in 2022-23: there were 11 million items for HRT prescribed in England, a 47% increase from 2021-22. there were an estimated 2.3 million identified patients that were prescribed HRT items, a 29% increase from 2021-22. If McCall is responsible for that increase as the NHS maintain (667,000 people) and Brain Tumour form in 1 on 10,000 then at least 60 people will contract one as a direct result of McCall's campaign.

The takeaway from all this is not to take health advice from tv personalities.

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2024년 11월 15일

As an Editor Darren Birks you really need to start using a spell checker.

‘Prey for her’.

' thee menopause.''

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