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How Left-Wing Elites Are Using Immigration to Destroy Capitalism

It's no coincidence that virtually every western government has simultaneously opened its borders to mass unfettered immigration, it's part of a co-ordinated political strategy called the Cloward-Piven Strategy to bring down capitalism.

If you haven’t heard of the Cloward-Piven Strategy, it's high time you woke up. This radical blueprint, devised in the 1960s by two left-wing academic extremists, has been weaponised to undermine capitalism and destabilise Western societies. And the likes of the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), and even the World Economic Forum (WEF) are now pushing this dangerous ideology — all under the guise of progressive politics.

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Who Were Cloward and Piven?

The masterminds behind this insidious plan are Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, two sociology professors from Columbia University, renowned for their far-left views. Cloward and Piven were hardline socialists, determined to dismantle the very foundation of American society — capitalism.

The two academics saw the welfare state as a tool to overwhelm the system, thereby forcing a financial collapse that would lead to socialist reforms.

In 1966, the pair co-authored an article in The Nation titled The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty. Their plan was simple: flood the welfare rolls, collapse the system, and force the government to implement a guaranteed annual income for everyone.

But, wait, it gets worse. Not only did they advocate for swamping the welfare system, but they also saw mass, unchecked immigration as a way to burden and destabilise capitalist nations, especially the United States. As far as Cloward and Piven were concerned, the more people dependent on the government, the quicker the system would buckle under the strain.

The Strategy: Use Immigration to Collapse Capitalism

Immigration is the key element of the Cloward-Piven Strategy. By encouraging the influx of vast numbers of people—particularly from poorer countries—the economic and social systems of wealthy capitalist western nations will become overwhelmed. These new arrivals require financial support, housing, healthcare, and education, all of which put immense strains the resources of the state. The goal? To create enough chaos that the entire system collapses under its own weight. Deliberate sabotage of the welfare state by overwhelming to allow the implementation of a socialist utopia.

Look around, and it’s clear that this strategy is being implemented right before our very eyes. Western nations, especially in Europe and the U.S., are seeing record numbers of immigrants arriving, many of whom do not have the skills or resources to integrate into western societies. Just as Cloward and Piven strategised, this is putting enormous pressure on welfare systems, public services, and the housing and job markets. And don’t be fooled—this isn’t accidental.

Why, you ask, would our leaders allow this? Well, it's because those in power — the global elites like the UN, EU, and WEF — want this chaos. They need it to advance their hidden socialist agenda, which mirrors the goals of Cloward and Piven exactly.

The UN, WEF, and EU: Global Institutions Pushing the Cloward-Piven Agenda

Let’s start with the United Nations. The UN, long known for its anti-capitalist agenda, has been a key player in promoting 'unfettered immigration' policies under the guise of human rights and humanitarian aid. The UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, signed in 2018, encourages nations to accept more migrants and even hints that those who oppose open borders are racist and xenophobic.

But who benefits from this influx? Not the citizens of the host countries that's for sure. No, it’s the bureaucratic class, and those elites like Soros who will ultimately gain.

Next, the EU.

Ever wonder why Europe’s borders are practically non-existent when it comes to immigration? The EU has taken a similar approach, championing open-border policies and doing little to control the waves of immigrants coming from Africa and the Middle East. The migrant crisis of 2015, which saw millions of people entering Europe, was not a failure of policy, as the media would have you believe. It was the implementation of a policy — a policy rooted in the Cloward-Piven Strategy. George Soros instructed the EU to except a million new immigrants ever year, and even demanded that EU citizens pay for the privilege.

The strategy is working

Europe’s welfare states are creaking under the pressure of this mass migration. Health services are overwhelmed, housing is in crisis, and social tensions are at boiling point. Meanwhile, the EU’s elite sit back and cheer as they nudge the continent ever closer to economic collapse and a socialist reordering.

Finally, we have the World Economic Forum, the Davos elite who fancy themselves as our overlords. The WEF is pushing its own agenda of a “Great Reset,” which dovetails perfectly with Cloward and Piven’s vision. They openly talk about dismantling capitalism, restructuring economies, and creating a new world order. (Remember Build Back Better?) One of their key pillars is global migration. Under the guise of a climate change and inequality, the WEF promotes mass migration as not only inevitable but beneficial. But the truth is, this influx of people will weaken western nations, undermine private enterprise, and lead to a global socialist system, where everyone owns nothing and is dependent on the state for survival — precisely what Cloward and Piven wanted.

The Dangerous Influence of Cloward-Piven Today

It’s astonishing to think that the radical ideas of two socialist academics from the 1960s have managed to gain such traction in global policy. But make no mistake, the Cloward-Piven Strategy is alive and well in the corridors of power, both in the West and on the global stage.

The very institutions that are supposed to protect us are using mass migration as a weapon to erode our economic systems, destabilise our societies, and pave the way for a new socialist order.

What’s more terrifying is that this isn’t a fringe theory anymore. The UN, the EU, and the WEF have openly adopted these principles, and they are implementing them as we speak. Global elites are pushing for policies that will eventually result in the destruction of capitalism as we know it.

They know that by overwhelming our systems with waves of immigration, they can achieve their ultimate goal: a world where private property, individual freedoms, and national sovereignty are a thing of the past.

It’s time to wake up and realise that the Cloward-Piven Strategy is not some outdated socialist fantasy. It’s happening right now, and unless we stop it, we will lose everything that makes our societies free and prosperous.


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