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Writer's pictureEditor Darren Birks

Government Block Release of emails Between Patrick Vallance and Anthony Fauci Over Virus Origins

Just making him look even more guilty.

The Mail on Sunday made a Freedom of Information request to have copies of all the emails between Patrick Vallance and Anthony Fauci and what they got in return was entirely redacted documents.

The newspaper used Freedom of Information rules to obtain the cache of 32 emails about a secretive teleconference between British and American health officials held early in the pandemic. Those emails are likely to contain the truth about Anthony Fauci and Patrick Vallance's knowledge about the origins of the Coronavirus. But operatives in Whitehall blacked out almost every word before releasing the crucial documents making him look even more guilty.

Before this discussion, several of the world’s experts on viruses had expressed belief the new virus most likely came from a laboratory, after it the same experts were dismissing such scenarios as ‘implausible’ and branding them conspiracy theories.

We already know that Gain of Function experiments were being produced there, and that Anthony Fauci not only knew of the work, but had commissioned. We also know that the emails gained in the US with a similar Freedom of Information Request shows Anthony Fauci conspiring with others to cover up the virus origins. In those emails Patrick Vallance's name comes up several times.

The Mail on Sunday requested emails, minutes and notes on the call between Sir Patrick Vallance – Britain’s chief scientific adviser – and its organisers Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust medical charity, and Anthony Fauci, the US infectious diseases expert and presidential adviser. Yet when the documents were released they had page after page redacted with thick lines of black ink by Whitehall officials. Even the names of experts copied in on discussions were blocked – and exchanges as trivial as one Edinburgh biologist’s ‘thank you’ for being invited – leaving only a few basic details about the call visible.

The lines left intact include a demand for the discussions, involving 13 participants around the world, to be conducted in ‘total confidence’, and an intriguing email line suggesting ‘we need to talk about the backbone too, not just the insert’. That was possibly sent by Dutch virologist Marion Koopmans, a member of the World Health Organisation team that produced a widely criticised report into Covid’s origins.

The Sunday mail stated: Such absurd state secrecy is highly contemptuous towards taxpayers and to a world that wants to know what caused this devastating pandemic to guard against similar catastrophes in the future. The response was condemned by Tory MP and freedom of information campaigner David Davis.

‘This is a matter of massive public and global importance,’ he said. ‘It is hard to see why there should be such secrecy that it outweighs the immense public interest and requires them to redact this sort of important data.’

A request for emails, notes or transcripts of Vallance’s conversations with Farrar on origins of Sars-CoV-2 (the strain of coronavirus that causes Covid-19), Wuhan Institute of Virology or Shi Zhengli, its infamous ‘Batwoman’ expert, was rejected on cost grounds. The Government confirmed, however, that ‘we hold the information that you have requested’.

‘This all begs an obvious question, just as with China’s secrecy: why would officials not share such information if there was nothing to hide?’ said Tory MP Bob Seely, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. 'Perhaps this is down to arrogant politicians and an army of aloof civil servants who believe the public does not have the right to know what is being done in their name.'

Tony Blair flipped from supporting Freedom of Information rules when in opposition to saying ‘I quake at the imbecility’ of the idea when his government made them law, his memoirs revealed. The current government have refused to release many such documents, with much of the SAGE communications, meetings and reports being among them.

The pivotal role of the Zoom call on February 1 last year emerged from emails obtained in the US and a recent book on the pandemic by Farrar. Two days before the call, the WHO had belatedly raised the alert level on the unfolding public health disaster.

The discussion was convened after Fauci, America’s Chief Presidential Medical Adviser remember, was sent an article from Science magazine examining how researchers were attempting to unravel the virus origins. The article, which Fauci hastily sent to other key officials, discussed controversies over risky ‘gain of function’ research – manipulating viruses in labs to make them more infectious – and detailed work by British scientist Peter Daszak and his friend Prof Shi in sampling bats and finding new coronaviruses.

Patrick Vallance is a wholly dubious character at best, his shiftiness at Covid conferences is only outdone by Chris Whitty, was revealed by the Telegraph last year to have a £600,000 shareholding in GSK, prompting claims of a conflict of interest. He had already cashed-in more than £5million worth of shares he received from the company during his tenure there.

We now know that Gain of Function experiments were taking place in the Wuhan lab, and that the Covid-19 virus was extremely unlikely to have emerged naturally. We also know that Vallance is linked to Fauci, Daszak, the Wellcome Trust, and Big Pharma. He was confirmed to be on both the call and the subsequent top secret emails with Fauci and now the government are redacting those emails, preventing the 'little people' from seeing what the scientists talked about.

Vallance, like Fauci, is up to his neck in the cover-up. They are the Deep State. Top bureaucrats who are unelected and unaccountable and yet have huge power over all our lives. They're clearly guilty of a cover-up, the emails prove that.

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Patricia Sullivan
Patricia Sullivan
Oct 07, 2021

"Redacted", Blocked ??? Not for long. Somebody with GUTS & BACKBONE will expose those two along with their crimes. Won't take long.

Patricia Sullivan
Patricia Sullivan
Nov 15, 2021
Replying to

Never give-up. It WILL happen. The risk is great to a whistle blower. There are people with GUTS and BACKBONE who will squeal on satanists!

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