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Writer's picturePhilip James


The government murdered those little girls. Aided and abetted by the left-wing media and applauded by every socialist on Twitter, three lives savagely taken by someone from an alien culture: A youth whose parents came from subsaharan Africa who rampaged through a house wildly stabbing at the necks of innocent little girls, murdering three and attempting to murder eight more.

Several of the girls were still fighting for their lives when the authorities began their propaganda. Within minutes of the first blow being struck, the police wheeled out their stock response to such incidents: A stream of half-truths and lies designed to avert attention from yet another violent attack by an immigrant from a third world country. In a narrative almost identical to the previous week's attack on an Army Officer, the police claimed it wasn't terror-related, said the attacker was a 'local man' and slipped in the phrase 'mental health' early on for full effect, none of those statements were true, a bastardised version of the truth, designed to mislead.

With careful manipulation by authorities another murderous rampage by an ethnic migrant became a British man having a nervous breakdown.

The media, who equally have blood on their hands, have run their usual propaganda pieces as well. The BBC, ITN, and Sky have all diverted attention from the assailant for stories about the 'community' with the predictable neighbour's 'shock' piece, sycophantic candlelit vigil piece, and the inevitable 'local community comes together' piece and getting local dignitaries to appeal for 'unity' which is code for 'don't mention the obvious'.

When the local residents took to the streets in anger the media then called them 'far-right', and implied they were from some fascist organisation bused in to cause trouble. Useful idiots then took to Twitter to call the community 'racist' for reacting to the murder of children in their midst.

In less than 12 hours we had gone from a racist attack by a black man who murdered three girls for being white, to the local community being 'racist' for getting angry at what had happened.

The murders of those three young girls is a direct consequence of mass immigration. Had we not allowed the parents to come here those three little girls would be alive today. Think about that for a moment.

This is the inevitable consequence of letting in to the country people whose culture, history, morals, religion, and ethics are all at odds with our own.

Over a million people from Asia and Africa now come here every year and few, if any, even like the English people let alone respect them. Many of them hate and despise us and are open about it, many more want to do us harm. Those that come here without such things in mind often develop them once they're here.

Few want to integrate, and fewer still even respect our culture at all. Now they think they don't have to. The government and every left wing NGO has told them, repeatedly, that they can live here, at our expense, and carry on with the lives they led before. Because of colonialism, slavery or some other left wing bollocks.

They live in communities completely separate from the rest of us, bringing with them the same ethnic tensions, religious intolerances and social strifes they had in their own country. The idea that all these traits would magically disappear when they came here was a fallacy. They don't leave their old life behind them when they come here, they bring it with them.

Britain is no longer a safe place for anyone, especially for women and girls, as we have allowed millions of men of fighting age into the country who see them as targets. The government should prioritize the protection of its citizens, but instead, it has opened the borders to everyone, resulting in a large influx of people, many from underdeveloped and morally corrupt nations, leading to tragic outcomes such as the deaths of these innocent little girls.

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