Dr. Vernon Coleman urges MP Kim Leadbeater to reconsider legislation, warning of dire consequences.
Open Letter to Kim Leadbeater MP From Dr Vernon Coleman Please email this letter to kim.leadbeater.mp@parliament.uk and your local MP. Copyright Vernon Coleman February 2025
Dear Kim Leadbeater,
I have a suspicion that you think your Euthanasia Bill is a `good’ thing. I rather hope you do think this and that your motives in sponsoring it are honourable. I know the Bill is really called the `Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill’ but I’m afraid your title is laughably misleading and quite inaccurate. If your Bill becomes law it will not be long before the service you are promoting will be available to the anxious, the depressed, the disabled, the unemployed and the poor. It will be available to the young and to the old. And it will be available to those who are far from the end of their lives.
How do I know this? Because I’ve studied what has happened in other countries where euthanasia has been introduced. The initial idea is always that euthanasia will be available only to patients who are at the very end of a long process of dying. The idea is that patients at the very end of their lives will be liberated from their pain and suffering and will be allowed to die in quiet dignity.
But that’s not what happens. It is definitely not what happens. Look at every other country which has introduced euthanasia. Look at Canada where people are being murdered because they are jobless and poor and without hope. People are being killed for social reasons. Euthanasia will be available for patients with mental illness in 2027.
Is that what you have in mind? And Children with autism, Asperger’s and ADHD will be quietly euthanised. Killing the long-term sick saves a lot of money. A Canadian Armed Forces Veteran who was injured in Afghanistan has reported how at least six veterans in Canada have been offered euthanasia after asking for help. One asked for care and received a letter saying: `If it is too difficult for you to continue living, Madam, we can offer you medical assistance in dying’. One veteran called a crisis hotline and was offered `assisted suicide’ as a solution.
And this is already happening in the UK too. A 25-year-old veteran was in crisis and asked for help. A doctor (in the UK, remember) suggested assisted suicide. The police have been contacted. Check it out. And look at how the `Do Not Resuscitate’ instruction has changed in Britain. This too was introduced with good intentions.
The idea was patients who were dying and beyond help would not be resuscitated time and time again, simply delaying the inevitable. But today `Do Not Resuscitate’ notices are routinely slapped on the notes of patients who are disabled, awaiting surgery for an entirely curable problem or suffering from mental illness. Check it out. You’ll find horror stories everywhere. Even adults and young children are labelled `Do Not Resuscitate’ if a doctor or nurse feels their lives are worthless.
There are, I’m afraid, more Dr Shipmans around than you realise. And there are a good many Nurse Shipmans too. The NHS already treats the elderly as subhuman. In Accident and Emergency units the elderly are made to wait for days to be seen. There is no triage. The elderly, however ill, must wait and wait and wait. During the covid lockdowns thousands of old people were murdered. (No, that’s not hyperbole. By any definition, they were murdered.)
If you really think that euthanasia is painless and dignified then I’m afraid you need to do a little more research. It’s neither. Check out the problems prisons have with execution in America. If you really think that euthanasia (as offered in your Bill) is only going to be offered to Terminally Ill Adults then you are extraordinarily naïve. Read the evidence in Dr Jack King’s book `They want to kill us’. Look at what always happens when euthanasia legislation is introduced.
Your plan to employ a panel of social workers, psychiatrists and retired judges to decide whether or not an applicant is suitable for `death by doctor’ is one of the most frightening ideas I’ve ever heard. What do social workers, psychiatrists or judges know of this? What do they know of `terminal’ illness?
When I was a GP I had two patients who were diagnosed as having terminal cancer. Both lived for more than a decade after they had been abandoned by hospitals. (Both had strong reasons for staying alive.) Older GPs, who, like me, practised in a different time, could tell you similar stories.
Like all doctors who worked in general practice as it was practised in the days when doctors helped look after dying patients in their own homes (before being a GP meant working 23 hours a week sitting at home in front of a laptop) I have a considerable amount of experience of this subject.
Doctors don’t like to talk about these things because it worries people and, legally, it’s a difficult area, but no good GP ever allowed a patient to approach their death in pain. The idea of dying patients in agony is a myth created for the purpose of promoting your Bill (and Bills like it around the world) No one need ever be in intractable pain. Pain control is (or should be) available and can free patients and often give them more life than they knew they had, or that your Bill will allow them. Patients are only in unbearable pain if their pain control isn’t being managed properly.
The fear that painkillers will cause addiction is a nonsense for it has been shown that patients in genuine pain do not become addicted. The real problem today is that a clique of cultists within the medical establishment, who mistakenly believe that prescribing drugs contributes to global warming, have encouraged doctors to cut back on their prescribing. And, of course, your own Government is deliberately and cold bloodedly destroying palliative care. Hospices are closing because changes introduced by your colleagues mean that they cannot afford to stay open.
If you continue to push this Bill then your name will forever be associated with the legalised murder of the disabled and the weak. You will be remembered as the Midwife of Death. Your Bill has nothing to do with compassion and whatever you may think there will be no safeguards. Your legacy will be State controlled murder. Is that really what you want? Your bill has nothing whatsoever to do with easing the lives of people in too much pain. Do you really want people to be killed because they consider themselves to be a burden?
Did anyone encourage you to promote this Bill? Does it not occur to you that you are part of the depopulation plan which is so dear to some of the so-called elite? Your Bill is nothing more than practical eugenics with the bonus that it will save money for the State. Remember too that the vast majority of those who try to kill themselves but fail go on to rue their mistake and to have enormously satisfying lives.
As the years go by your Bill will be extended more and more. You may think that history will look on you kindly. It won’t. History will see you as the midwife for legalised murder. Your name will be reviled even more than Shipman’s. If your Bill goes through you will be personally responsible for the deaths of thousands who had much to offer. I guarantee that within five years at the very most you will be responsible for children, the disabled, the poor, the jobless and the depressed being murdered. Euthanasia programmes always start with limits. But the limits never last.
Finally, did you know that the Nazis ran a euthanasia programme for a while? After a short period Hitler abandoned it because he considered it morally indefensible.
Yours sincerely.
Dr Vernon Coleman