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Document Reveals Depopulation Plan of the NEW WORLD ORDER

The document lays out the establishment of quotas for population reduction, an alarming indication of the scale and seriousness of the global elite's plan.

A newly resurfaced 1991 document reveals the sinister agenda of global elites seeking to impose a “New World Order”.  The chilling document exposes their secret agenda describing how it will dominate the world through population undermining national sovereignty, and manipulating global systems to serve their twisted ambitions.

Once called a conspiracy theory, the plan is here in black and white, revealing the blueprint of a dystopian future where citizens are mere pawns in the hands of a global regime. 

Quotas for population reduction

The document Reveals the blueprint of a dystopian future where citizens are mere pawns in the hands of a global regime. The document lays out the establishment of quotas for population reduction, an alarming indication of the scale and seriousness of this plan. 

Population Reduction: The Cold, Calculated Plan

The chilling 1991 document outlines what amounts to a global population reduction strategy. a plan that isn't even trying to be subtle.   It describes quotas for population reduction imposed annually across nations.    These reductions would allegedly be achieved through various means, including the manipulation of food supplies, health systems, and societal structures.  The document leaves no doubt about how the elites view ordinary people; as mere numbers to be erased or kept in check. 

The reduction in human population would be achieved through various means, including the manipulation of food supplies, health systems, and societal structures.

t's no secret that global elites have long been obsessed with controlling populations, but this document is a smoking gun—proof that they are actively working toward reducing humanity on a massive scale. Is this why we're seeing increasing focus on global health initiatives and food control? How much of it is really about "saving the planet" and how much is about enforcing this New World Order agenda?

A Worldwide Regime

At the heart of this chilling document is the desire for a one-world government, a regime that would supersede national governments and consolidate power into the hands of a select few. This “New World Order” wouldn’t be a cooperative alliance of nations working for the common good—it would be a dictatorship that strips countries of their sovereignty and imposes laws dictated by global elites.

The elites have their hands in everything—economics, international organisations, and even the environmental movement. Behind the scenes, they pull the strings, setting the stage for a world where national borders mean nothing, and citizens are powerless to oppose the creeping authoritarianism.

Global 'Cooperation'

Every nation would fall in line with this new global order, which has nothing to do with peace or security and everything to do with control. It’s no surprise that the document also hints at using international organiations like the United Nations and other bodies to enforce these plans under the guise of "global cooperation."

It's a call to arms for those who value freedom, sovereignty, and national identity to wake up and fight back against a power grab that could spell the end of individual liberties and national independence.

A Global Regime in the Making

At the heart of this chilling document is the desire for a one-world government, a regime that would supersede national governments and consolidate power into the hands of a select few. This “New World Order” wouldn’t be a cooperative alliance of nations working for the common good—it would be a dictatorship that strips countries of their sovereignty and imposes laws dictated by global elites.

Every nation would fall in line with this new global order, which has nothing to do with peace or security and everything to do with control. It’s no surprise that the document also hints at using international organisations like the United Nations and other bodies to enforce these plans under the guise of "global cooperation."

Manipulating Food, Medicine, and Society

The elites' sinister plan goes beyond population control; it involves controlling every aspect of life, from food production to medicine.  By manipulating the global food supply, these elites could create scarcity and dependency, forcing nations to comply with their demands or face famine. It’s a frightening form of coercion that could be wielded like a weapon.

Vaccine mandates, control over pharmaceuticals, the push for centralised global health,   control over food production, water and land use all sounds very familiar because we’re seeing all these trends play out in real-time.

It’s hard to deny the parallels between the current world events and the vision laid out in this document. Is it any wonder that the elites have invested so heavily in health, food, and climate change narratives?  The payoff couldn't be any bigger: total control of the earth and every person on it.  

The Rationalisation of tyranny

It’s clear that we are standing on the precipice of something truly horrifying—the realisation of the New World Order. This isn’t some far-off fantasy; it’s happening right now. 

Global elites are working overtime to consolidate power, reduce populations, and dismantle national sovereignty—all in the name of progress.

But we don’t have to accept this fate. The 1991 document should serve as a wake-up call to anyone who values freedom, independence, and democracy. If we don’t act now, we risk falling into the hands of a global regime that seeks to control every aspect of our lives.

The New World Order is real, and it's closer than we think. The only question left is: are we going to let them win?



Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us in one chilling video.

This superb video speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us.

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It’s certainly chilling that there are [ostensibly] individuals with these views out there. However, what is the wider cause for concern here? Who is the author of this piece? Who is it addressed to? Where was it found? Where was it presented? Who obtained it? From the front page it looks to be a contribution to a PUBLIC VIEWS-gathering consultation in Iowa ahead of an impending Earth Summit so potentially submitted by literally anyone. What indicates that the author has any heft, influence or power, especially given that s/he calls directly for immediate depopulation yet every single one of the intervening 33 years (3+ decades) has seen the contrary? This person doesn’t SEEM in any way influential.

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