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Writer's pictureEditor Darren Birks

CyberPolygon: The WEF's 'False-Flag' Cyber Attack With Covid-Like 'Characteristics'

The World Economic Forum is preparing for a cyber attack that will make 'the COVID-19 crisis seen as a 'small disturbance' in comparison'

The planned 'false flag' cyber attack had a dry run in June. Called CyberPolygon the exercise followed the same pattern as Event 201, the simulated Coronavirus pandemic, that just happened to come three months before Covid-19 struck.

CyberPolygon is a joint venture between the Russian’s and the World Economic Forum which was held this year by BI.ZONE CERT,  a global cybersecurity entity that provides services for banks. 

The World Economic Forum previously sponsored the event and its founder, Klaus Schwab, appeared as a keynote speaker in 2021. Oddly the WEF has recently scrubbed every mention of CyberPolygon from its website except for two random instances.

In that speech Schwab said:

“Pay insufficient attention, to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack,” 

Few, if any, really understand just how devastating a global cyber attack would be, Schwab is right in that it will be much more destructive than Covid, and that is why he chose it next. Most don't think about it and if they do it they'll likely to think it means not being able to watch Tiktok videos or update their facebook page but in reality a global cyber attack would be more devastating than a global war.

In today’s hyper-connected world, a cyber attack on a global scale could take out banking, commerce, utilities, and infrastructure within days. The collapse would be fast. And the fallout? Total.

Day 1: Your Money Will Be Gone

On the first day of a global cyber attack you'll wake up to find your bank account frozen. ATMs stop working, and online banking systems have crashed across the world. Your credit card? Worthless. and with no access to your money you won't be able to buy food, fuel, or anything else. And it won't be just you—it will hit everyone simultaneously. The stock markets will be in total free-fall, and International trade will be dead on arrival.

Within hours people will start to panic. They will probably try to storm banks to pull out whatever cash they can—except the banks don't have it, they haven't had paper money for years and they'll be locked out of their own systems anyway. Your money will be gone. Global financial institutions will go offline, leaving the world without a functioning economy. Chaos begins.

Day 3: Shops Empty, Fuel Dries Up

By day three, businesses will have all collapsed. Without money flowing, they can’t pay suppliers, staff, or bills, and customers can't buy food or fuel. Supermarket shelves will have been stripped bare, with no likelihood of being restocked because all transport will have stopped. The global supply chain will cease. Petrol stations will have run out of fuel leaving millions unable to move about as a result.

Those few stores attempting to function with cash will find that they face violent looting as the majority of people who don't have it still want food. The world’s digital shops like Amazon are Gone. Finished, warehouses will have upped their security with armed guards too, so you can forget trying to liberate their stock either.

Day 7: Lights Out

Within a week, the really nasty stuff will start to happen. The cyber virus will have evolved and by day seven will have been able to hack into the country's critical infrastructure. —power grids, water systems, and communications networks will all be hit. The lights will go out, and with them, any sense of normalcy. No electricity means no water treatment plants, pumping stations, or working sewage systems leaving millions without clean water, and toilets and drainage will begin to back up, Spreading diseases that will quickly kill the old and vulnerable. Hospitals running on emergency generators will start to run out of diesel and patients will begin dying at an alarming rate.

The internet—the backbone of modern life—has now completely gone, severing ties between cities, nations, and continents. Everything grinds to a halt. No power, no water, no communications. Society, if there ever was one, is now all but destroyed.

Day 14: Total Social Breakdown

By week two, the breakdown will be complete. Millions would be dead and those still alive would be starving, thirsty, and desperate. Looting would be widespread and police will have become a heavily armed paramilitary force controlled by an authoritarian government. Violence has exploded and by this point the streets will become a very dangerous place to be. With no functioning government to keep order, civil unrest will have turned into outright anarchy. Entire cities could become war zones.

At any point during this time the WEF could stop the chaos. They will have the kill-switch in their possession but will likely suggest that the public need to adopt something first. Their 'solution' is likely to be a global digital ID and a CBDC, the secret reason they released the cyber attack in the first place.

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