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Criticising Islam to Become a Criminal Offence in Labour's New Blasphemy Law

Writer: Philip JamesPhilip James

Labour are planning to make Islamophobia a criminal offence according to reports from the Party Conference. A new 'Islamophobia law' will effectively criminalise any criticism of Islam and give the middle-eastern religion its own blasphemy law.

Labour is planning the law under the guise of promoting 'tolerance', and inclusivity but really wants to make Islam a 'special case' to win the votes of 4.5 million Muslims now living in the UK.

Lobbyists from Islamic groups have been secretly meeting with the government since Labour took office in July demanding the new law as part of the ongoing Islamification of Britain.

Christian Blasphemy Laws Replaced

The Islamophobia law will replace England's previous Blasphemy law which was repealed in 2008 by the previous Labour government. That law was, unsurprisingly, designed to protect the Church of England, the national religion, but had not been actively used for decades. Its lack of use was the excuse Blair used to justify its repeal. The New Blasphemy law, however, will not protect the Church of England, but Islam, meaning it will have replaced Christianity, the religion here for well over a thousand years, for Islam at least in the eyes of English law.

The new law will make any criticism of Islam a criminal offence. It will likely spell the end of open debate, and free speech robbing Britains of the basic right to free expression, or to even hold a negative opinion about Islam.

What is 'Islamophobia'?

But what exactly do Labour mean by "Islamophobia"? At the moment they’re using a definition adopted from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims, which claims that "Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness." Essentially, it’s not just about discrimination against people, but also about how one might perceive their religion, culture, or beliefs.

Labour's new law to goes further.

This dangerously vague definition is already unhinged but Islamic groups have said that the definition go (much) further.

In future Jokes, Memes, or Facebook posts about Islam are likely to come under the new law making it easier for authorities to lock-up those who oppose the islamiphication of Britain.

Why we should all be 'Islamophobic'

It’s not 'phobic' to fear a religion that literally hates you.  It's not phobic to fear the religion behind every terrorist attack in the last twenty years.   It’s not 'phobic' to have a healthy distrust for a religion that bombs, stabs, rapes and beheads, unbelievers. 

It's not 'phobic' to be repulsed by a religion that openly hates Jews, Christians, Atheists, Gays, Dogs, British culture, British history, and British values.
A 'phobia' Is an irrational fear of an object or situation, and there is NOTHING irrational about fearing a religion that says it wants to kill you.

The Quran is littered with what Muslims secretly think about us, and we should take heed.

"Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them" Quran 2:191

"Muslims must not take the infidels as friends" Quran 3.28

"Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam" Quran 5.33

"Terrorise and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Quran" Quran 8.12

"Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorise the infidels." Quran 8.60

"Unbelievers are stupid; Muslims are urged to fight them." Quran 8.65

"When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you find them." Quran 9.5

"The Jews and Christians are perverts, fight them." Quran 9.30

"Make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood." Quran 9.123

"Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water, melt their skin and bellies." Quran 22.19

"Do not seek peace with the infidels, behead them when you catch them." Quran 47.4

Who invented 'Islamophobia'?

Although nobody has ever owned up to creating the word ‘Islamophobia’ it was used heavily by far-left think tank the Runnymede Trust, an activist group that successfully lobbied governments to make Islam a special case.  The group published a faux commission titled  British Muslims and Islamophobia which they then used as 'evidence' to browbeat the public with.

The chairman of that commission was Gordon Conway, a left-wing academic from Imperial College London a hotbed of Marxist thought. Conway has links to both The Rockefeller Foundation and Bill and Linda Gates Foundation and received funding to produce such papers from both for much of his career.

Conway wasn’t a sociologist, theologist or historian, he was actually an Ecologist and seemingly knew nothing about religion, history or the British people. However that didn’t matter and ‘islamophobia’ became the go-to slur for anyone criticising Islam.

Islamophobia goes along with other slurs such as Nazi, Fascist, and Far-Right.  

The trick to making any such slur a law is simple:  First coin a word or phrase that categorises a normal piece of behaviour, then, over time, repeat the word when describing that human behaviour; talk about ‘victims’ at every opportunity; exaggerate both the severity and frequency of events you claim are caused by your buzz word, so everyone will automatically associates the made-up word with a real crime in their minds. Then, over time, slowly introduce soft laws (rules and policies across public sector, NGOs and Charities) that act as unofficial laws (Example: non-crime hate incidents) finally pick a random incident in the news and claim that it was caused by your buzzword.   Bring in said law as a ‘response’ to whatever ‘crisis’ you’ve created with your media manipulation.

It is clear that Labour’s proposed law is nothing more than a modern-day blasphemy law, dressed up in the language of tolerance and anti-racism. But unlike traditional blasphemy laws, which are generally limited to the religious domain, this one extends into every facet of public and private life. While Christians have long since accepted that their religion can be openly mocked or criticised, Labour is setting up Islam as untouchable – protected by the state in a way no other religion is.



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