The latest data from the government's yellow card reporting system, banned from being mentioned on social media.
Summary of Adverse Events UK
According to an updated report published on June 17th (covering the period up to June 9th), the MHRA Yellow Card reporting system has recorded a total of 949,287 events, based on 276,867 reports. The total number of fatalities reported is 1,332.
Pfizer (15.6 million first doses, 10.8 million second doses) now has one Yellow Card in 372 doses, 2.9 adverse reactions (i.e., symptoms) per card.
AstraZeneca (24.6 million first doses, 17.7 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 211 doses, 3.6 adverse reactions per card.
Moderna (0.56 million first doses) has one Yellow Card in 130 doses, 2.8 adverse reactions per card.
Key events analysis:
Acute Cardiac Events = 10,370
Anaphylaxis = 1,130
Herpes = 3,276
Headaches = 95,316
Migraine = 8,803
Blindness – 46 (Pfizer) + 229 (AZ) + 1 (Moderna) + 3 (Unknown) = 279
Spontaneous Abortions = 201 + 10 (still birth)
Vomiting = 13,102
Facial Paralysis incl. Bell’s Palsy = 1,157
Face Swelling = 1,439
Disturbances in Consciousness = 12,726
Strokes and CNS haemorrhages = 2,006
Guillain Barre Syndrome = 336
Dizziness = 28,349
Tremor = 10,180
Thrombosis & Embolism (All types) = 5,146
Pulmonary Embolism – 246 (Pfizer), 1236 (AZ), 3 (Moderna), 5 (Unknown)
Deep Vein Thrombosis – 156 (Pfizer), 928 (AZ), 1 (Moderna), 6 (Unknown)
Nosebleeds = 2,455
Seizures = 2,214
Paralysis = 804
Haemorrhage (All types) = 4,229
Reproductive/Breast = 10,931

(Dr Tess Lawrie recently wrote an open letter to Dr June Raine, head of the MHRA, arguing that: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans“, a claim that has been “fact checked” here.)