Summary of Adverse Events in the U.K.
According to an updated report published on July 21st, the MHRA Yellow Card reporting system has recorded a total of 1,102,228 events based on 331,240 reports. The total number of fatalities reported is 1,517.
Pfizer (20.4 million first doses, 12.9 million second doses) now has one Yellow Card in 215 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 43,777 people vaccinated (466).
AstraZeneca (24.7 million first doses, 23.2 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 110 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 24,263 people vaccinated (1,018).
Moderna (1.3 million first doses, 0.3 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 118 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 162,500 people vaccinated (8).
Key events analysis:
Acute Cardiac = 13,184
Myocardial Infarction & Heart Failure = 692
Anaphylaxis = 1,258
Herpes = 3,933
Headaches = 104,255
Migraines = 10,244
Blindness = 359
Deafness = 519
Spontaneous Abortions = 381 + 11 still birth
Vomiting = 14,511
Facial Paralysis incl. Bell’s Palsy = 1,465
Strokes and CNS haemorrhages = 2,378
Guillain Barre Syndrome = 407
Dizziness = 32,440
Tremor = 10,859
Pulmonary Embolism = 1,800
Deep Vein Thrombosis = 1,299
Seizures = 2,524
Paralysis = 978
Vertigo/Tinnitus = 8,667
Reproductive/Breast = 30,747

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