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CLUB of ROME: Their Shocking Declaration of Intent for a Centralised World Government

Writer: Philip JamesPhilip James

The Club of Rome openly acknowledges inventing environmental crises—not as genuine threats, but as tools to manipulate global populations.

In the murky world of unelected technocrats and globalist cabals, few organisations loom as large or as sinister as the Club of Rome.

Founded in 1968 by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scottish scientist Alexander King, this elitist group has spent decades quietly scheming to impose its vision of a centralised world government—using climate change as its Trojan horse.

Originally touted as a think tank for tackling “global challenges,” the Club of Rome has been anything but benign. From the outset, its true agenda has been clear: concentrate power into the hands of a select few under the guise of "saving the planet."

Its infamous 1972 report, The Limits to Growth, laid the groundwork for modern eco-alarmism, painting a bleak picture of humanity’s future unless we all submit to drastic cuts in population, consumption, and freedom, which they will dictate via a network of puppet governments, NGOs, bureacrats and useful idiots.

Who Are They?

The Club of Rome is a collection of wealthy elites, technocrats, and academics who think they know better than elected governments. They include powerful figures like Donella Meadows, Dennis Meadows, and Jørgen Randers, authors of the doomsday manifesto The Limits to Growth. and other members have included Henry Kissinger, and King Juan Carlos I of Spain. Their members hail from the upper echelons of industry, science, politics, and Royalty united by their disdain for national sovereignty, their obsession with centralised control, and their utter hatred for humanity.

This cabal of globalists operates under the radar, wielding influence far beyond its membership size. Its unelected members have no mandate from the public, yet they arrogantly dictate policies that impact billions of lives.

The First Global Revolution.

The Club’s true motives were laid bare in its 1991 publication, The First Global Revolution. In a startlingly candid passage, the authors admit:

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions, these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating these as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviours that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”

This passage is a confession. The Club of Rome openly acknowledges inventing environmental crises—not as genuine threats, but as tools to manipulate global populations. By framing humanity as the enemy, they justify sweeping measures to restrict freedoms, control populations, and dismantle national independence.

The Climate Scare: Their Weapon of Control

Climate change is the Club of Rome’s ultimate weapon. By stoking fear of environmental collapse, they push for radical policies that erode national independence and individual freedoms. Their message is simple: humanity is the problem, and the solution is submission to global governance.

Their apocalyptic predictions, however, have repeatedly failed to materialise. From the 1970s warnings of mass starvation to their dire claims about resource depletion, the Club’s forecasts have been 100% Wrong, yet, they persist—because the agenda isn’t about accuracy; it’s about control, and most of the public are two stupid to know whats going on.

Critics have long accused the Club of Rome of peddling a neo-Malthusian agenda, obsessed with population control and resource rationing. Many see their proposals as a thinly veiled attempt to halt economic growth, particularly in developing nations, under the guise of “sustainability.”

Some go further, calling them the architects of a globalist conspiracy, using climate hysteria to dismantle national sovereignty and install a technocratic world order. Their focus on “limits” betrays their contempt for human ingenuity and progress, while their disdain for democracy reveals their true authoritarian colours.

Critics see the Club of Rome for what it is: a group of elitists pushing an anti-human agenda. Their proposals, cloaked in the language of sustainability, are little more than a call for global authoritarianism. By blaming humanity for the planet’s problems, they seek to justify radical interventions that strip people of their freedoms while consolidating power in the hands of a global elite.

Their disdain for democracy is evident. The Club’s members have no public mandate, yet they wield immense influence in international institutions. They demand “solidarity” but despise national sovereignty. They preach sustainability but block economic development for poorer nations.

The Club of Rome’s writings are not warnings—they are declarations of intent.

They reveal a group determined to scapegoat humanity to advance their vision of a technocratic world order. By exploiting fear and engineering crises, they aim to dismantle the very foundations of liberty and sovereignty. Problem: Reaction: Solution.


1 Comment

Dec 01, 2024

"  it’s about control, and most of the public are two stupid to know whats going on "

George Carlin — 'Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.'

He also said,

 “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

He was right on both accounts.

PS.You need a spell checker!

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