We are nearing the end game with the Climate Con. Technocrats attending COP29 have made it clear that the entire project and all its offshoots is, and has always been about; money.
Called 'Climate Finance' those behind the global warming scam are now pushing the idea that developed countries (i.e. the west) should pay $1 trillion a year to poor countries, to help them mitigate against climate change. That's right: A TRILLION Dollars (1000 billion) (1,000,000,000,000), every 365 days. This, say the experts, will help developing countries deal with the rise in temperature claimed to be caused by the west.
Of course, the money won't simply be confiscated and redistributed to other countries, nothing so crass, rather the redistribution of wealth will be a mixture of things including levying taxes, debt write-off, and 'development funds via the world bank.
Unelected technocrats from donor countries want the next fund - known in UN jargon as the 'new collective quantified goal (NCQG) on climate finance' - to have multiple layers. A classic way of disguising their actions whilst picking your pocket.
Governments have no money, when they pledge money for anything they are pledging your money. Money that you have earned, and that you have already been taxed on, will then be taxed again, with that money given to people in other countries who haven't had to do anything for it. This is a massive transfer of wealth, from successful countries to failed states, the biggest in history. Those failed states have to do nothing except hold out their hands.
Climate cash is a close cousin of reparations where people who've never been slaves want people who've never owned slaves to pay them money for.. slavery. It’s the same logic, the same scam you didn’t cause the damage, you never benefited from it, and yet you’re supposed to pick up the bill.
And once they establish this precedent, once they normalise the pipeline, it won’t stop. Climate reparations today, environmental reparations tomorrow, and then who knows?
It doesn't take a genius to work out that this is just Communism in a new guise. The West is 'Capitalist', and you are the property owning bourgeoisie. The global south are the Proletariat. You are part of the property-owning class owning 'the means of production', and the global south are the ones you exploited. For you to have got your life of luxury, someone in the global south must have suffered, that's the demented mindset of those pushing the climate con, and so to redress the inequality, you must give up your life of luxury (which you acquired through the oppression of others remember) to atone for your sins. Of course, we all know that that is not how the world really works, but then Communists are not very bright, after all, if they were they'd be Capitalists.