Chris Whitty, the 58 year old virgin who was part of the cabal that imposed mask mandates, lockdowns and toxic jabs on millions of Brits, is still very much in power. Whitty is still issuing medical mandates, still using the public as lab rats, and still in cahoots with others from the WHO and Big Pharma.
You'd be wrong to dismiss Whitty as not important any more, because he still have power over you, you just don't know it. You may think that Whitty became an irrelevance when the scamdemic ended, that he tried and failed, you may even think that he went out of office when the last lot were ousted, but you'd be wrong. Whitty is still the head of the snake, still a very dangerous man.
He may not be in the news these days but Professor Sir Chris Whitty is been behind every one of the medical mandates Labour are implementing, including the use of unemployed as lab-rats for Lilly's weight-loss drug, and the pushing for their benefits to be stopped if they don't take part; Health officials coming to your work to weigh you to make sure you're not overweight; together with huge draconian measures to restrict car use under the pretence of preventing air pollution; Deciding who can and who can't smoke, along with further bans on where you can light-up.
But it gets much worse: Whitty has a load more draconian measures planned. He is now pushing Labour to resurrect the kind of controls that crushed public morale during the scamdemic. The public health establishment, with Whitty at the top, hasn’t let go of its obsessive vision for a tightly controlled society, free of anything remotely enjoyable.
Public health minister Andrew Gwynne has revealed that Whitty is behind a new wave of proposals to restrict pub hours once again. Yes, you read that right—Labour is considering bringing back the 10 p.m. curfew. Not because of Covid, even Whitty knows that nobody is going to fall for that one again, but rather because Whitty believes alcohol is an unnecessary pleasure that costs the NHS money.
Speaking at a fringe event during the Labour conference, Gwynne recounted how Whitty had bombarded him with a series of slides highlighting that 40% of NHS spending is on 'preventable health' conditions, a figure he then claimed would rise to 60% in 15 years.
Gwynne came to the conclusion that the answer was not to reform the bloated NHS, but to reform the public. However according to the Office for National Statistics, only 14% of deaths are genuinely preventable, and preventable mortality has been in long-term decline anyway.
The real agenda here isn’t about saving lives—it’s about control. Whitty’s obsession with eliminating smoking, alcohol, and other so-called “vices” is part of a broader effort to reshape society according to his sterile, Communist vision. Gwynne may be Labour’s latest public health mouthpiece, but Whitty is clearly the one still pulling the strings.
Wes Streeting and Keir Starmer are equally entranced by Whitty’s “prevention agenda,” convinced that by forcing people to give up their freedoms, they can somehow save the NHS from its spiraling costs.