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Children Offered Cash to be Guinea Pigs for Experimental 'Vaccine' by Pharmaceuticals Giant

Children as young as 12 targeted through Whatsapp with offers of £1,500 to participate in Covid Booster Trials.

Moderna the drugs company behind the MRNA 'vaccine' has been direct messaging children as young as 12 via Whatsapp offering them £1500 to participate in trials for a new Covid Booster vaccine.

The offer was made by a paediatrician from an 'unnamed' NHS trust, inviting those aged between 12 and 18 years old to enrol in the NextCove trial, which was examining the efficacy of Moderna’s booster jab. Note, the trial wasn't even examining the safety, just the efficacy.

The inducement was made even though a 'research ethics committee' had warned about the “large amount of money” that Moderna was offering participants, and voiced concern it was “much higher than would be considered a reasonable reimbursement”. However, the research ethics committee should be sacked immediately as under The Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations it is prohibited for incentives or financial inducements to be given to children or their parents.

Unbelievably Moderna later amended the offer to just £185 as if that made it ok, and despite even this, one NHS trial centre carried on offering the original sum.

The company were discovered to be actively targeting children via the messaging app by the The UK Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA).

In a statement, the PMCPA ruled: “The panel noted that the financial incentive offered within the unapproved WhatsApp message was never paid but considered that it might have encouraged participants to apply to take part.

“The panel considered that the unique circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the particular circumstances of this trial, which involved the recruitment of children, meant that Moderna should have been especially cautious.

“On balance, the panel considered that this brought discredit upon and reduced confidence in the pharmaceutical industry.” Moderna must provide a written undertaking that the practice will “cease forthwith” and pay for administrative costs.

But despite it seeming like the drugs company will be brought to book over their immoral activity all is not what it appears; the company are to be fined just £14000.

Esther McVey MP, formerly of the APPG on Covid-19 vaccine damage said: “A charge of £14,000 to a company that enjoyed a total revenue of $6.8 billion in 2023 is hardly likely to make them think twice before breaking the rules again.

“Not only are the charges too small but when they come, they come too late. There is a major backlog in handling these kinds of complaints, with a recent case against Moderna taking the PMCPA 18 months to consider.

“The system is clearly broken and failing to keep patients safe from misleading information and advertising about medicines. The public’s trust in healthcare authorities will only continue to be damaged, unless meaningful action is taken.”

Moderna have refused to comment on the case.


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