This follows UK Government admitting that they too 'may' have overestimated the number who died.
Whilst everyone was distracted with the Ukraine conflict, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted last week that they'd overcounted the number of deaths from Covid by a over 72,000 but don't worry, it was just a “coding error”.
“On March 15, 2022, data on deaths were adjusted after resolving a coding logic error. This resulted in decreased death counts across all demographic categories, a footnote on the CDC’s Covid Data Tracker website read.
The algorithmically error caused deaths in all age brackets to be overcounted including an additional incorrect deaths among children. The 'accident' has meant that not a single child is now counted as having died of the supposed killer virus.
The CDC made a statement to Reuters saying that fixing the "error" removed 72,277 deaths previously reported across 26 states of the United States including 416 pediatric deaths.
Why have the CDC done this now? Simple: they have got the vaccines in the arms of millions of Americans, destroying the immunity of those that have had it, the task is now to cover their tracks. These are the acts of criminals not incompetent bean counters.
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