British police have still not learned the lessons of Rotherham’s Muslim rape gangs.
British police have still not learned the lessons of Rotherham’s Muslim rape gangs as they quickly ruled out terrorism for Sunday morning's atrocities saying there was “no suggestion” that it was a hate crime before they’d even identified a suspect. They said the stabbings appeared to be random, with no obvious links between the victims.
Yes really.
On Sunday night, police released footage of the suspect, whom the public had been warned not to approach, pacing the street shortly before 2am. Dressed in black jeans, with a black hoodie and black cap, he had already stabbed most of his victims at this point, killing a 23-year-old man. He is clearly of North African or Middle Eastern Origin, however, the police chose to ignore this vital fact, presumably for cultural cohesion purposes. Detectives quickly ruled out terrorism, saying there was “no suggestion” that it was a hate crime or that gangs were involved. They said the stabbings appeared to be random, with no obvious links between the victims. However, when have multiple 'random stabbings', of unknown victims, ever happened that weren’t terrorist related? Perhaps if the Detectives on the case had applied a simple scientific technique, that of Occam’s Razor, valuable time would not have been wasted apprehending the suspect.
A 32-year-old woman was stabbed in the throat in what some commentators have described as an attempted decapitation as she was pinned against a wall, and a 19-year-old man suffered critical injuries moments after. Five others, aged between 23 and 33, received relatively minor injuries, West Midlands Police said. As officers responded to the city centre on Sunday, four crime scenes were held throughout the day as forensic experts combed each area. Police continued to treat the attack as a violent crime and not a terrorist incident which would have also hampered a proper response. At least one of the stabbings was perpetrated in the heart of Birmingham’s gay quarter, actually on top of a huge LGBTQ Rainbow flag painted on the road, yet police STILL would not designate this a terrorist incident or hate crime, quickly ‘ruling out’ the possibility.
A manhunt went underway for someone who was then described as a 'young', 'black' “Somalian” which the police had earlier neglected to describe as such, suspected of the stabbings. Chief Supt Steve Graham described the events as “tragic, shocking and understandably frightening” and not a probably terrorist incident despite a mass of evidence to the contrary. The Police went on to say: “Please be assured that we are doing absolutely everything we can to find whoever was responsible and try to understand what exactly happened,” he said. “We do not underestimate the impact that these incidents have had on the city of Birmingham. “We declared this a major incident at the earliest opportunity. We have worked throughout the day to trawl CCTV footage and speak to witnesses to ensure we release the best possible video and image of the man we want to speak to.”
When the first, frantic calls were received by the police control room shortly after 12.30am, there was nothing to suggest it was anything out of the ordinary they suggest. The attacker had embarked on his brutal stabbing spree on Constitution Hill, just to the north of the city centre, where one man received a “superficial” injury.
He then moved south, walking around the corner to Livery Street, a bustling road lined with bars and restaurants, where a 19-year-old resident who was smoking was critically injured after the suspect approached him asking for a lighter. A woman was also injured. It was from this second scene, that the ambulance crews received their first emergency call, at 12.40am. From there, the suspect walked around a mile to Irving Street, where more than an hour later, at 1.52am, stunned witnesses began frantically calling 999 with further reports of bloody and brutal attacks. It was here that one man lost his life and another man suffered serious injuries. Barbora Jurcikova heard a commotion outside her flat and came down to see men running around on the street, desperately calling for help. She told Sky News that the victim had to be pulled out of a bush, and paramedics were "pressing his chest for a long time". Police confirmed later that he had died. The suspect swiftly crossed over to Hurst Street, at the heart of the city's Gay Village quarter, where he was seen pinning the 32-year-old woman up against shop shutters before repeatedly stabbing her in the throat at around 2am. Two men received lesser injuries. As panicked eye witnesses raised the alarm, he was chased by at least two men before unsuccessfully trying to hail a taxi.
A Somalian man attempting to decapitate someone in the middle of the Gay quarter yet police and the mainstream media dismiss this as an Islamic Terrorist attack. Is this incompetence or some sort of Common Purpose training being displayed?
Police continued with the narrative always deployed in these incidents; that of 'an asylum seeker with mental health issues'. Note what David Jamieson, the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, said about the incident; that the coronavirus pandemic had caused a lot of "pent up feelings" with people being stuck at home and unsure about their jobs and future. He said it was "almost inevitable that we would see the growth of violence especially among younger people and males." Now that has Common Purpose written all over it.
The Mainstream media too have shied away from the words islamic terrorism for much the same reason. Ultimately, incidents such as this, and the murder of two gay men in Reading by another islamic terrorist recently, are actively being recorded by authorities as 'mental health issues', 'isolated incidents' to hide the true size and scale of Islamic Terrorism in the UK today.