Mass gathering held for the victims of Covid-19 Vaccines.
January is Covid Vaccine Victim Awareness Month. As part of the campaign to raise awareness a rally was held in London to commemorate the victims, attended by thousands of friends and relatives of those killed by the controversial drug.
Sunday's demonstration was held right outside BBC headquarters in Central London, yet failed to get even a passing mention on any of its television, radio or internet channels. The mainstream media ignored the event entirely, furthering the falsehood that victims don't exist.
Jules Serkin wrote on Twitter:
Huge peaceful demonstrations & memorial today #London outside BBC on behalf of the #VaccineDeaths bereaved families & the #covid “#vaccines” #vaccineinjured ;yet on @BBC6Music#news this am. the only demo they mention is re #wildcamping ! Odd that ?
Kathy Gyngell, writing in the The Conservative Woman said: "another non-report of it by the mass media, even though this one took place at the very portals of the BBC on Saturday. Despite the ever mounting evidence, the still near-universal silence on the subject of vaccine injury and vaccine-related excess deaths is mind-blowing. How far are these so called journalists’ heads stuck in the sand? How can the BBC still call itself a news-gathering organisation and keep a straight face? How it could remain so studiously blind to something that was taking place on its very doorstep, beggars belief."
The Rally had guest speaker Matt Le Tissier give one of his most powerful speeches yet.
"these guys were coerced with military-grade psychological operations into taking this new gene therapy technology that is masquerading as a vaccine. They were made to think that if they didn’t take it, that they were an anti-vaxxer or a granny killer."