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Autopsy Data Confirms Deadly Heart Inflammation is from the Vaccines and Not from the Virus

Writer: Editor Darren BirksEditor Darren Birks

The vaccine is the serial killer.

Since death from heart attacks sharply increased in 2021 scientists have repeatedly claimed that the Covid virus is the cause. Now a new study, this time of autopsies, proves that it is the vaccine killing off thousands of fit and healthy people and the virus is nowhere to be found.

The direct relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and Myocarditis is a lie. The only study that reportedly showed it was rushed out by Oxford University, the very faculty that had created the AstraZeneca jab, days after the first reports of Vaccine injuries started rolling in.

Myocarditis had not been one of the Covid symptoms listed at any point during the entire first year of the pandemic. But only days after vaccines were rolled out, heart inflammation was suddenly added to the list of things supposedly triggered by the virus.

Funny that.

Of course the Oxford study got republished widely by the media, with 'fact-checkers' using it to 'debunk' claims of the vaccine's involvement. Many other studies have been conducted since and, unsurprisingly, can't replicate the Oxford findings. None of the more recent studies can put the virus at the scene of the crime. They can, however, put the vaccine their. The Vaccine is a serial killer, stabbing at the heart of its victims, whilst its friends in authority misdirect the public to help it continue the killing spree.

The latest study on Myocarditis specifically addresses this lie. It dispels the myth that Covid is some sort of multidimensional virus that is the cause of everything other than a lung complaint. Since Covid arrived any number of conditions have been diagnosed as caused by it. Blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure, and liver failure, have all had Covid cited as the cause. It was, it seemed, the only respiratory virus that didn't cause any respiratory illness, but managed to destroy every other organ without much bother at all. The study is very specific in dispelling the propaganda:

“No overt pathological findings attributable to SARS-CoV-2 infection could be recognised outside of the lung… Beyond the respiratory tract [SARS-CoV-2 infection] does not induce any major pathology… in fatal cases.”

the study goes on to say:

"Strong evidence for a SARS-CoV-2 role in direct infection of cardiac myocytes leading to virus induced myocarditis in patients is missing… [T]here is not yet definitive EMB [endomyocardial biopsy]/autopsy proof that SARS-CoV-2 causes direct cardiomyocyte damage in association with histological myocarditis."

Tables 1-3 detail the published autopsy findings from six fatal cases of post-Covid mRNA vaccine-associated myocarditis. The etiologies for cases 1 and 2 were most consistent with an epinephrine-mediated ‘toxic myocarditis’, whereas cases 3-6 evidenced hyperinflammatory myocarditis. Ultimately, after extensive investigation, each case was deemed a Covid vaccine-caused fatal myocarditis.


Covid Vaccine: "Serious Adverse Effects, No Other Vaccine Comes Close” Says CDC Scientist


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