A Premier league game between Luton and Bournemouth was called off after one of the players; Tom Lockyer, collapsed on the pitch.
Fans watched as the harrowing scene unfolded of yet another sports star suffering a cardiac arrest whilst playing a game. The match was stopped in the 62nd minute after Lockyer collapsed whilst off the ball. Tom Lockyer was attended by paramedics but it was reportedly 16 minutes before the Luton star finally got treatment.
The BBC, who had been covering the match, were reportedly debating whether to report on the incident given the obvious nature of the event. Presenter Jason Mohammed, attempted to deflect questions about vaccines and myocarditis by claiming that Lockyer 'had heart problems previously'; as if top athletes having heart attacks was somehow normal.
Reports from the ground suggest Lockyer was “alert and responsive” in the tunnel, again, like it was a regular occurance.
This latest incident has sparked calls for the Premier League to sue Pfizer for the serious injuries their products have caused league players. The Premier League spends millions on its players, players that are now being struck down with shocking regularity. A Covid Jab can easily ruin a player's career. he league's multimillion dollar investments are being routinely disabled by Pfizer's faulty products, and continue to do so. The Premier League must protect their investment. The players are heavily insured against career ending injury from every other means, but not from medical malfesance, so the only way to recoupe their losses is to sue Pfizer.
This is not as far fetched as it seems. Pfizer is already being sued in Texas for its faulty Covid vaccine. (Reuters) reports - Pfizer has been sued by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who on Thursday accused the drugmaker of misrepresenting the efficacy of its widely-used COVID-19 vaccine.
In a complaint filed in a Lubbock County state court, Paxton said it was misleading for Pfizer to claim its vaccine was 95% effective because it offered a "relative risk reduction" for people to who took it. Paxton said the claim was based on only two months of clinical trial data, and vaccine recipients' "absolute risk reduction" showed that the vaccine was just 0.85% effective.
The lawsuit seeks to stop New York-based Pfizer from making alleged false claims and silencing "truthful speech" about its vaccine, and more than $10 million in fines for violating a Texas law protecting consumers from deceptive marketing.
Pfizer is currently able to swat-away most legal challenges because of their sheer size and considerable wealth. It would take a company of comprable size to challenge that. The Premier League, though not as large as Pfizer, do nevertheless have a multi billion pound turnover, and could afford the best lawyers. That or course, assumes that Pfizer haven't already bought off the football league in the same way they have everyone else.