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Writer's picturePhilip James

A 'Tax on Freedom' Coming as Labour Plans Pay-Per-Mile Pricing in October Budget

Labour is reportedly plotting to sneak a new "Pay Per Mile" tax into their October Budget. The scheme, which many critics are already branding a "stealth tax" on motorists, could see hardworking Brits forking out even more just to get to work, drop the kids off at school, or visit the shops.

The Plan Unveiled: A Burden on the Backbone of Britain

Leaked documents suggest that Labour’s plan, likely to be unveiled by Chancellor Rachel Reeves, aims to introduce a "pay per mile" charge on drivers across the UK. This would mean every mile driven could come with an added cost, potentially crippling already cash-strapped families who rely on their cars.

For a government that claims to be for the people, this is nothing short of a betrayal. Who will bear the brunt of this new tax? It won’t be the elites sipping champagne in Westminster, but ordinary, hardworking Brits—the backbone of our nation. From delivery drivers to tradespeople, and carers to teachers, anyone who needs to drive for work or personal reasons could soon see their budgets stretched to the limit.

Big Brother is Watching

So, how exactly does Labour intend to run this Orwellian scheme? The technology behind it is both invasive and deeply concerning. According to sources, the government plans to utilise GPS tracking systems to monitor the exact distance each vehicle travels. That’s right—Big Brother will be watching every mile you drive, every turn you make. These tracking devices could be installed in all new cars as part of the manufacturing process, with older vehicles required to have them retrofitted at the owner's expense. The moment you turn the key in the ignition, the meter will start running, and the government will have a direct line into your driving habits.

This isn’t just a tax; it’s a full-blown surveillance operation. The very idea that the state could monitor your every movement, track your daily routines, and even know where you go on weekends is a chilling prospect. Yet, this is exactly what Labour seems to be advocating with this scheme.

The Technologies Behind the Dystopian Nightmare.

Let’s delve into the technologies that could be used to enforce this draconian policy. Firstly, GPS tracking is at the heart of the proposal. While we’re all familiar with GPS in our smartphones and sat-navs, this would be a far more sinister application. These devices would not only calculate your distance traveled but could also record your speed, route, and even the time of day you’re driving. The implications for privacy are terrifying.

In addition to GPS, there’s talk of integrating the system with ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras. These cameras, already a common sight on motorways and in city centres, could be repurposed to cross-check vehicles' locations with their GPS data, ensuring that no mile goes untaxed.

Then there’s the issue of payment. How would drivers be billed for their miles? The most likely scenario is a monthly invoice, much like your utility bills. But unlike gas and electricity, where you can at least try to cut back on usage, driving isn’t something most people can simply reduce. The school run, the commute, visiting elderly relatives—these are non-negotiable. Yet under Labour’s plan, every one of these trips would cost you dearly.

Impact on Families and Businesses: An Unnecessary Burden

The impact on families and businesses will be profound. Take the average family living in rural areas where public transport is a joke. For them, driving isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. Whether it’s taking the kids to school or doing the weekly shop, driving is often the only practical option. With this new tax, Labour is effectively punishing people for not living in urban centres.

Businesses too will suffer. The cost of delivering goods will skyrocket, and who will end up paying the price? Consumers, of course. Every extra mile driven by delivery vans, lorries, and sales reps will add to the cost of goods on the shelves. Prices will rise, hitting the poorest the hardest.

And let’s not forget those who have no choice but to drive as part of their job. Plumbers, electricians, mobile hairdressers—the list goes on. These people will see their costs soar, and many small businesses could be pushed to the brink. Once again, Labour’s war on the self-employed and small business owners continues unabated.

A Tax on Freedom to deter movement.

This proposed tax is just the latest in a long line of attacks on personal freedom by Labour. They’ve already expanded the Ultra-Low Emission Zones (ULEZ), penalising drivers in our cities. Now, they want to extend this financial punishment to every road in the country.

The inevitable result? People will be forced to change their driving habits. Weekend trips to the coast? Cancelled. Visits to distant family members? Unaffordable. Even simple pleasures like a Sunday drive in the countryside will become a thing of the past for many.

The Real Agenda: Green Ideology Over (Right Wing) People

It’s no secret that Labour is in thrall to the green lobby. Their obsession with reducing carbon emissions is driving policies like this, regardless of the impact on ordinary people. While the elites and eco-zealots might cheer from the sidelines, the rest of us are left to pick up the tab.
Let’s be clear—this isn’t about saving the planet. It’s about control. It’s about forcing people out of their cars and into public transport, regardless of whether it’s practical or even available. It’s about punishing those who don’t conform to Labour’s green agenda.

Conclusion: A Stand Against Labour’s Road to Ruin

The proposed pay per mile scheme is yet another example of Labour’s disregard for the ordinary people of this country. It’s a tax on freedom, a tax on families, and a tax on hard work. As October approaches, the public must stand up and make their voices heard. This plan, if implemented, could change the fabric of our society, turning the simple act of driving into a luxury few can afford.

It’s time to say enough is enough. Labour’s October Budget must not be allowed to pass with this scheme intact. Our roads are not just a means of transport—they are the lifeblood of our nation. It’s time to protect them from this dangerous and deeply unfair tax.

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Those of us that are awake have been warning of this for a long time.

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